Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

Mad Jays Face Giants in Pair Again in the Wisconsin State BaseballjBlueJay Batting league. (Unofficial) hand for the special Dollar Booster Night. The crowd is expected Oreen Bay was unable to match ab because 135 28 is i 'to be big again tonight effective hitting and pitching Ma'quette Oshkosh Grabs 11-7, 5-0 Games Before 2,71 1 By ART DALEY The Bluejays got nothing out of 3 tickets (about 4,000 have tm 33 ii it? ul li I i -Tu been sold) will be honored iiocucher 71 12 is 2 0 i 10 .268 Besides hundreds of fans are HfCiC 2HJ 40 S9 2 50 tVo arllntaDO nt thl ager Phil Seghi's scrappy operatives dropped the opener, 11 to 7, and the nightcap by 5 to 0. -fit 111 17 1 ti i4 e- 7 1 1 hran LfVIU J' lib it I urn wic ui.ii mv PiTCHiNfs 2-: verHeist; chances to see the 1951 club. Bluejays' Marquette (his 10th and 11th of the season) and one each by Giants Dave Garcia and Jack Hertfurt, accounted iot 10 of tha 18 runs scored in the opene, but the Oshkosh clubbers came up with a 12-9 advantage in hits and better pitching to grab the 11-7 decision The Bluejays came from behind twice in the first two heats to gain, 4-4 and 5-5 ties but the Giants clubbed out four markers, threa on Garcia's three-run homer, in the fourth and added two the sixth to preserve the win.

The The Jays and Oshkosh close at last night's double defeat at Joannes park but a good "mad on." uanr riuevu! rwiiw: 3-3; MctllnUin 3-3; Schumacher 8-9; Srhlmpf 1-2. Kfltased pitchrrt 17-23. liouble play 54. Home attendance 35,519. Joannes park with a single game Thursday night and Green Bay's The Jays drilled out nine hits, including two homers by LeRoy Marquette one with the bases loaded, in the opener but their pitching failed to hold up as Oshkosh clubbed a dozen hits, also including two homers, off three pitchers.

Slick Eddie Poquette was the victim of Phil Kerich's two-hit shutout in the nightcap. last home game this year will be with the Appleton Papermakers They'll be facing the same team, the Oshkosh Giants, at the same park in the same kind of program a doubleheader tonight, the first game starting at 7 o'clock, and this time the Bluejays hope to get even and thus jump back into the thick of the fight for second place -mm our'? Labor day. First Game "unearned" triples and three runs in the seventh. The double lacing was especially embarrassing because 2,711 fans, at a dollar a head, were on Four home runs, two by the An error helped the Giants to two Jays added one in the sixth and a singleton in the seventh on Marquette's drive over the left field boards. The Giants clubbed starter Bob Jacobs, Masse Defend P-GGolf Tifles Schumacher for three hits and a walk and took advantage of a Jay error and two wild pitches to account for four runs in the first frame, the big blow being a two-run double by Stan Grossman.

The Jays tied it up with four Ac jt I quickies in their half of the first. Sudden Cool Breeze Chills Packers in Drill Jack Levitt and Jack Tree led off Eighth Annual Event Scheduled Over Holidays Both 1950 champions, Harry Masse, in the men's division, and Mary McMillin Jacobs, in the women's, will return to defend their titles in the Press-Gazette's with singles, Tom Becic skied to left and Verne Grace single to load the bases. Marquette picked Nurtz out one of Jack Sampson's pitches and slammed it 355 feet over the left centerfield fence for a grand slam homer. WISCONSIN STATE LEAGUE Schimpf Runs Into Mud It's Cold Sweat For Gene; Early Heat Cuts Weight By ART DALEY Pneumonia Pnews: That cool breeze Tuesday aft I Pet. Shphavran 11 41 .634 GB 10 12'4 doubled for the first of his three hits, to start the Osh- eighth Brown County Golf Championships, to be held over the week end.

Oshkosh 61 51 .545 Wis. Rapid 5 53 Press -Gazette second and Dallas Orf drew iRF.E.N BAY 5 54 ond du Lac 56 .5114 14j TVtot urn a nmicrV) fni a walk. Masse, who bested Joe Szal- i Schumacher and Bill Schimpt kowski for the '50 crown by five Janesviile 52 61 .460 Wausau 51 SO .459 Appleton 41 74 .357 forth. Schimpf's first foe. strokes, will be in quest of his ernoon left a cold sweat on trie brow of Packer Coach Gene Ron- Tonight's Games third straight championship while OSHKOSH AT GREEN BAY (2, first Mrs.

Jacobs, the tournament's only rhnmnion in the wnmpn'. crmne- zani. The Packers were steaming off weight under an 84-degree sun Itition since its inception, will be when suddenly a sharp wind Wayne Heim, forced Sampson and Earl Willis forced Heim, but Levitt fired to third trying to nail Orf off base but the throw was bad and Orf scored. The Jays made it a 5-5 game in the second on a walk to Schumacher and singles by Levitt and Tom Becic. after her eighth trophy.

The tournev. again to be con- at Wausau at JaneKVtlle. Appleton at Sheboygan. Fond du Lac at Wisconsin Rapldi. Tuesday Night's Results OSHKOSH 11-5, GREEN BAT T-0.

Wisconsin Rapids 6, Fond du Lac 5. Appleton 10, Sheboygan 4. Janesviile 5, Wausau 3. whipped up, toosed some of the East river onto the practice field and dropped the temperature 1 ducted cn a medal play basis, will open at Shorewood Country club ijobuiunji vviiviwuv nj i. it uiiu Schimpf eliminated the Giants Green Bay, Wednesday Evening, Aug.

29, 1951 rA'ScF; down to 72. Nobody got wet but Ronzani was keeping his fingers crossed today that the sudden change in temperature won't bring on a raft of colds. Most oft he athletes were shirtless during the Country club Sunday, and close at Oneida Golf and Riding club Monday. Each course, as in the past, is Two-Day Jump Fond du Lac 009 400 10 19 hs third hut ran into Wis. Rapids 010 912 911-9 13 4 in Gerken, McGinnis (6), Kraii () and.mud in the fourth.

Sampson led Lee; Hutchinson, Hattenbach (l andi0ff with a single and after Ort aseU grounded out, Heim singled the hp.pv.n, iZ1! 5 I pitcher home. Willis singled to the Sheboygan (Mil 00 3 000 4 8 2 Eckiund and Gaffke; De Vein, Mc- infield and Garcia, who had been, cieiian (Sj, Lewis (8) and Hines. lintentionally walked twice earlier, Wausau 100 000 1013 8 Jlhit th first Ditch over the left entering its top six men golfers and the leading four women, making a total of 30 shotmakers in day, Ronzani faces the task of one day cutting the squad of 46 players down to the league limit of 33, effective Sept. 30 the first league game. Ronzani, with a wink, will often say, "It's easy to cut; just take two Janesviile 202 000 lOx 8 Am I tl.v anil Knnl- r.mnA nrf uwiua.

Th Giants made it 11-5 in the nan. or three from that group, three or First Step To Forge UW'IV Set Saturday Tuffy Young, 37 Other Freshmen To Report four from another group, and a couple here and there and you sixth. After a single by Willis was cleaned up in a double play, Grossman walked and Herfurt (First Game) OSHKOSH AB HPO A have everything set." But it isn't 112 Orf, 2b 2 Ronzani had his boys back on the practice field again this morning under a cloudy sky. And Jhe cool, damp breezes weren't exactly ive to sweatitng out cold bugs. Speaking about weight, the weather has just about elim- Heim, cf 4 1 2 1 really that easy for Gene because cutting a squad, he'll agree, is WiUis, ss 4 2 Garcia, 3b 2 2 Grossman, if 3 2 3 the two divisions.

Junior Division Added In addition, there will be a junior division, added for the first time this year. It is open to boys and girls through 17 years of age, with Sept 1 as birthday deadline, and each course is nominating its six best boy golfers and the three best girl golfers, or a total of 24 youngsters. In all, 57 golfers will compete, making it the largest field in the tournament's history. Masse this year will be facing probably the most imposing competition he has had in the men's division. It is expected that Wally Christman, crowned as champion slammed out his homer, The Jays started a mild fuss in their half of the sixth.

Hoeischer I walked and was forced by Dick oiSposato, batting for Schimpf, after Frank Biskup skied to center. the toughest job in sports. Seven Right Halfbacks LHerfiirt, rf 4 1 Mailer, 4 9 Schultz, cf 4 9 4 9 5 5 9 The present squad includes 11 Sampson, 4 1 By JACK BURKE MADISON, Wis. (j? The Totals 33 11 12 halfbacks, five fullbacks, three quarterbacks, eight ends, eight tackles, seven guards and four iirst step in iorging Wisconsin igreen bay ab PO A Tree brought him home with a hit to center but Becic popped to Khodemyre 13 2 2 1951 football team will be taken Levitt, ss 4 inated the fat 4 1 centers. Oddly enough, seven of the 11 2 2 3 1 11 9 12 9 JiGarcia.

Marquette hit his homer after one out in the seventh. man table wnicn was a "popu 3 9 4 1 halfbacks are RHs But four 4 2 2 9 lar gathering place up mere ai Grand Rapids, Minn. Since the Saturday. h-7'c, ih Freshmen candidates, eligible .,7 I Marquette-. If for varsity play this fall, will re-Tesnow, rf port.

About 40 hopefuls are ex-1 Hoeischer, 2b pected to get a two-day jump on s'ctn" cher. at T-C over the weekend, bzal Second Game of them, Bob Hanlon, Wilbur (One-Ten) Volz, Alex Wisbicki kowski. runner-up the last two boys eat at tne xwia, ltonzam 4 9 9 1 9 3 9 9 1 5 2 9 9 2 9 9 9 9 9 1 119 9 3 i nil Irt pnnlrn vonro Shnrpivn.lrt i-unua 11 umnuu ivi uimj and Wally Dreyer operate on de 1 TVn oo leiiermen ana reserves wno tcnimpr, febvre and Jack Van Oss and UKUi fense. The offensive KHs are Mr. Poquette, who can beat the a powerful championship Sheboy-Jjgan Indians by merely tossing hi "(glove out on the mound, ran into result is that menus are planned Sposato 110 9 9 Pollock, 0 9 9 9 0 club-mate, Ray Harry's Oneida Billy Grimes, Earl (Jug) Girard Totals 30 1 9 21 14 Antil, will be among the leading will report Monday.

Coach Ivy Williamson has a nucleus of 24 men around whom he will build his two first and Rip Collins. Fighting at left half are Tony Canadeo, Breezy Hit into force out for Srhlmnf contenders for his diadem. in diu. Oshkosh 410 402 911 In addition to these( the field in Reid, Ray Pelfry and Harry De Loache. Green Bay 410 001 17 team platoons.

Lettermen who appear headed for regular duty Runs batted fn Gareia 3. Herfurt 3. If 1m to everybody. Several of the players need more weight. One in particular is the veteran center, Jay Rhodemyre, who hopes to put on about five pounds, giving him a total of around 210 more or less.

10 Perfect Pass-Backs Rhodemyre, the former University of Kentucky Ail-American BOB PETRUSKA. the rookie with the offensive eleven include i.rossman mills, 5, tsecic. cludes Ray Decker, Frank Van Laanen III, Ken Brunette and Dr. A. H.

Brusky of Oneida; Mel Martin, Mel Schlueter, Wayne Vor-pahl and Chuck Bielke of Town and Country; and Ronnie Grognet, Tree. Home runs Garcia. Herfurt. quarterback from Wisconsin, Marquette 2. Two-base hits Sampson.

Grossman. Left on base Oshkosh 5, handled most of the passing in the two-hit (bit) Ushkosn jinx for the second straight outing in the nightcap. Last Thursday night at Oshkosh, Eddie was nosed out by Jim Ko-varich, 1-0, as each hurler permitted only two safeties. The setback last night was Poquette's fourth in a row and the ninth of the season. He has 14 victories.

Two scratch hits, one off his own glove, and a sharp double by Bob Schultz gave Oshkosh a pair in the first frame. Despite four Green Bay 6. Double play Levitt to Tuesday morning's workout. Bob Thomason, sporting a sore arm, Gene Felker and Hal Faverty, ends; Bob Kennedy, Dave Sumin-ski or Charles Berndt, tackles; Bill Gable, guard; Dave Hansen at center; John Coatta, quarterback and Fullback Rollie Bob Smith and Elmer Madsen of hurled a little while Tobin Rote tioeiscner to Becic. Wild pitches Schumacher 2, Sampson.

Bases on balls off Sampson 3, Schumacher 2. Schimpf 2. Struck out by Sampson 5. Schumacher 2. Hits off Schumach- Shorewood, all of whom are capable of making a battle for the championship.

who played here in 1948 and 1949 and then entered business in Louisville, in 1950, was a like a kid with that proverbial new toy pitched and even caught a few. The' Packers got double bene 4 for runs In 1-dIus innints. off Schimpf 8 for 6 runs in 5 innings, off A playoff, involving Ed Plog, The defensive platoon will be fit from the practice, as both offensive and defensive maneuvers t-uuocK ior runs in inning. Los after the Cardinal game. "It sure staffed by such veterans as Pat ing pitcher Schimpf.

Umpires Willis, feels good to get in there again," were drilled. weicn ana vuison. Time 2:08. walks and four singles in the next five frames, Poquette managed to. Ken Smith and Larry Pfeiffer, is being held to determine the sixth Shorewood representative.

That Friendly Feud Jay remarked. (Second Game) Rhodemyre played the entire escape without damage as the Jays pulled two double plays. To keep the knife sharp for the Eagles, Ronzani likely will order a scrimmage sometime this week OSHKOSH AB PO A Orf, 2b 4 1 2 3 2 The women's division again will Eddie's Luck Runs Out Heim, cf 4 2 119 Willis, ss 4 2 4 1 1 The start of a two-night feud between Oshkosh and the Bluejays developed in the fifth inning of the first game at Joannes park last night when Bluejay Tom Becic slid in "high" (note foot in top picture) on Oshkosh Playing Manager Dave Garcia at third ba'se. Dave was shaken up a bit on the play and had his trousers torn. Next, Verne Grace, Jay centerfielder, receives a wrist watch from Jeweler F.

J. Shea for being selected the most popular player by the fans. Next, part of the Booster Night crowd of 2,711 is ihown. Below, LeRoy Marquette (left) is being congratulated by Ed Gomiak after hitting a grand slam homer in the first inning of the opener. end.

The Eagles will have bene game at offensive center something new for him. Jay gained his pro reputation as a linebacker in 1948-49, though he saw con be spiced by the friendly feud between Mrs. Jacobs and Shore- O'Donahue and Faverty, ends; Jerry Smith and Bob Leu, tackles; Harry Gilbert, guard; Darel Teteak, a line backer; Capt Jim Hammond and Ed Withers, halfbacks, and Bill Lane, safety. Two Drills Daily While freshmen are eligible to play it remains to be seen how many will be able to make the But Eddie's luck just ran out in fit of a real-live scrimmage a Garcia, 3b .4 9 1 0 1 Schultz, If 3 9 19 9 Grossman, 2 9 9 4 9 non-conference game with the Los Angeles Rams in Little Rock siderable action as an offensive center, too. Herfurt.

rf 3 9 9 3 9 Sodersten. lb 1 9 9 8 1 Kerich, 2 9 9 1 2 wood's Joan Coffeen. Mary heads Oneida's feminine entrants and the long-hitting redhead, recently returned from a visit to Oregon where she competed in the Ore And it can be noted that Jay the seventh. After two out, Dallas Orf drew a gift when Jimmy Hoeischer muffed his grounder and the Giants teed off. Wayne Heim and Earl Willis hit successive triples to centerfield for two runs and Willis came home on Saturday night.

The Eagles will train for their Milwaukee appearance in Two Rivers next Totals 27 9 21 13 GREEN BY AB PO A apparently hasn't grown musty. He made 10 perfect long pass- week. gon state tournament, win npaa the Shorewood foursome. Miss Coffeen has been runner-up to Frank Biskup's passed ball just 9'hofnrA Onrpia lined to Shortstoo Fight Results Levitt, ss 1 9 9 2 3 Tree, 3b 3 9 9 9 1 Becic, lb 3 0 9 9 Grace, cf 3 9 9 2 9 Marquette, If 2 9 9 0 1 Tesnow, rf 2 0 119 Hoeischer, 2b 3 9 1 3 Biskup. 3 9 9 9 1 Poquette, 3 9 9 9 1 Totals 23 9 2 21 10 Mrs.

Jacobs for the last four P-J backs on five punts, three field goals and two extra points. WHILE THE Packers are grinding into condition for the Shrine game with the Philadelphia Eagles in Milwaukee a week from Sun tournaments. lleviu. ruining aiici. nr Keep It in the Family Frank Kerwin's Daughter.

Captures Oneida Golf Crown Their opposition, too, figures to 9 1 the three runs were unearned. 9 TT. V7 1 i i rfn nnv. By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES Art ArafTon, 137'j, Los Angeles, outpointed Jim-mie Carter, 135'3. New York (101.

be stiffer than a year ago. For among those who will be contending for honors are Judy Conley, Oshkosh 200 000 35 Green Bay 000 000 00 Runs batted In Schultz 2, Heim, Willis. Three-base hits Helm, Willis. 1950 state junior champion, Mrs. grade.

Most of them are likely to gain experience with the junior varsity which will play a regular schedule. As in the past, Williamson, starting his third year at Camp Randall, will run two drills daily until classes begin in two weeks. Early scrimmages probably will be rugged affairs as newcomers try to gain varsity status, and veterans battle to retain their jobs. The Badgers open against Marquette here Sept. 29.

Then follows seven Big 10 conference games and a non-league contest with Pennsylvania at Madison Nov. 10. Wisconsin finished in a tie for second place with Ohio State in last year's conference race. The rwo-oase hit Schultz. Left on bas.

tnmg wnn ivencn wra notched his 10th win against four losses. After one out in the second, Howie Tesnow singled and Hoeischer walked but Biskup hit into a double play. The next seven Jays went down in order before Hoeischer got the Oshkosh Green Bay C. Double plays LI C. A.

Lawton and Mrs. Larry Kelly -of Oneida; Shorewood's Anita Raymond, Charlotte Bisk-ner and Barbara Bruce and Rita Oneida cup since the club was organized in 1930. Frank, who has isencn ro vt mis to Sodersten. Hoel Mary Beats Out Mrs. Fossum; Father Won 1951 Men's Honors scher to Becic, Tree to Hoeischer to a string of links accomplishments Hecic.

Passed ball Biskup. Bases on including numerous holes-in-one, Mianecke, fourth-placer a year; balls off Kerich 5, Poquette 3. Struck out by Kerich 4. Poquette L'mnires Javs' second and final hit in the that would do credit to a profes ago, and uoiieen uoicien or lown Welch. Wilson and Willis.

Time fifth. But he died on first. Levitt That old saying about "like J'4, Attendance 2.7 1 1 Kingtton By L.H. and Country. The other T-C feminine representatives have not sional, won for the first time in '30, repeated in '31 and '32, claimed father, like son" will have to be led off the sixth with a walk but the next three Jays went out in amended to read, "Like father it again in 34 after a one-year been determined as yet.

Award 23 Valuable Prizes order. Kerich appeared a bit wobbly as like daughter" in the case of Frank Kerwin, veteran Green Bay golfing ace, and his daughter, lapse, then waited six years to clinch his fifth title in 1940. This began a skein of three straight, be Yesterday's Star By The Associated Press Batting Duke Snider, Dodgers-Batted In all Brooklyn's runs in their 3-1 triumph over Cincinnati with a single in the fourth and a Thus far, four of the junior he walked Marquette and Tesnow to start the seventh but Hoeischer cause he duplicated in 1941 and team defeated Marquette, Illinois, Iowa, Purdue, Northwestern and Brethren, the title of today's sermon is Lay Off the Bait Let it be clear at the outset that I do not belong to that school of thought that claims a bait fisherman can be just as good a sport, have just as much fun and be just as good a conservationist as the fly fisherman or the plug caster. That allegation is just not true. The bait fisherman ing so exciting, the thrill that Is entirely lacking in deep dunking with bait Of course, there are seme fish, like perch, that seldom hit an artificial lure; so we will have to give the perch fisherman special dispensation, but I claim that all species that readily strike feathers or hardware should be taken that way exclusively.

'42. His last titles, prior to this fanned, Biskup skied to center and Poquette popped to first teams have been chosen, two in each section and representing Oneida and Shorewood. The Oneida boys' contingent includes Nick Conlon, Nic Wahl, Jim Burns. Mary Kerwin Dorband. For Mary, now Mrs.

Fred Dor-band, proved that the maxim, as paraphrased, holds true by win Minnesota, but dropped its two-run homer in the eighth. year, came in '44 and '45. matches with Ohio State, Michi ning the Oneida Golf and Riding gan and Pennsylvania. Among the better known fresh Larry Popp, Mitch Joannes and Bob Cullum while the girl repre Louis Signs To Meet Marciano in men reporting are Bob (Tuffy) sentatives are maicia inancss. club women's championship over the week end, tiius UupliciUiig the feat her father had accomplished in the men's division a week Yrunjt of Creei Bay; Alan Amp- The real clincher in this anii- A DO WHEN YOU NEED IT Anytime '50 to 5000 Anytime Nnncy Junion and Pat McGold But before we go any further, let me warn you, if you are one who drowns innocent angleworms rick.

New York Oct 7 1 Shorewood standard beares will Mary edged the defending cham be Chuck SDeerschneider. Bob and little fishes (in plain words a plunker), and if you are easily che, Mario Bonofiglio, Ruel Mc-Mullen and Ed Ronzia, Kenosha; Ron Locklin, Appleton; Jim Temp, La Crosse; Bob Badura, Kohler; Florian Helsinski, Hurley; James Zillman, Wausau and Frank Scaffidi, Milwaukee. pion, Mrs. Pat (Harold) Fossum Jolv, Ken Moore, Dale Wolfe, Don NEW YORK (IP) An old story of the ring the ambitious new Reeb and Dave Robeson, in the in a tight duel, 1 up on the 19th hole, to annex the crown. It was bait argument is the conservation angle.

Each year, due to the increasing number of anglers, lakes and streams must be more heavily stocked. Such waters are sure to contain large numbers of young fish which, when caught, must be returned to the water. Artificial lures do little hook damage to these undersized fish because no fish will swallow a bovs' division, and Ronnie Pfoten comer vs the comcbacking veteran the second championship for her hauer, Karen Krieger and Patty Sh first won the title in 1948, will be enacted again in the In the girls' section. Her father's victory in the men's The Town-Country teams will be Polo grounds on Oct. 11 when un competition, incidentally, marked announced Thursday.

GiantslRote Hurt, May Miss Bear Tilt defeated Rocky Marciano takes on the 10th time he has taken the The Press-Gazette, as In the Joe Louis in a 10-round bout. past, will bear all tournament expenses and has provided 23 valu insulted, then you may leave now; this dis-sertion is by one converted from bait years ago who has been seeking ever since to get all piscatory heathens to see the error of their ways. Of course, if it is meat you are after, if piece or hardware. When he strikes and finds metal in his mouth, he lets go unless the an Promoter Jim Norris, who has able prices for competitors in the men's and women's divisions and trophies for the juniors. A plaque also will he presented to the team winner.

Town and Coun been hot after this match for some time, finally clinched it yesterday when he got Marciano's handlers to agree to take 15 per cent of the net gate. The Wcills, Marty and gler is quick enough to set the hook that is why flies and plugs seldom hook a fish anywhere except in the outer jaw. On the other hand, a hungry fish will nt It JONESBORO, Ark. (P) The New York football Giants may meet the Chicago Bears in Memphis Sunday without the services of two first line ball carriers. Rookie Kyle Rote, the All-America threat from Southern Methodist, Tuesday twisted a tendon in his left knee, said Dr.

Fran Al, who direct the Brooklyn belt try Is the defending champion. er's business, had been holding out Kingston mm ait for 20. Louis will get 45 per cent. swallow live bait and get hooked deep in the gullet so that he is a dead fish when returned to the water. I "'OH a you measure angling satisfaction Norris set a $25 top for the fight cis Sweeny, the team physician.

by the length of fish on your and said he expected it to gross stringer or the weight of your The growing popularity of ar over $250,000. The International creel, then you are beyond re Dr. Sweeny said it was too early to say whether Rote would be able to play Sunday. The physician also said that rfJ3Hj Boxing club president said it probably will not be televised. If demption for there is no question about it, live bait really gets 'em.

tificial lures and the ever increasing cost of live bait bears much promise for the future of angling. We have reduced daily limits, shortened seasons, in that's the case, the show will be Mr Forrest Griffith twisted a tendon If, on the other hand, your piped into theaters in a dozen or more cities. in his right knee. Griffith will be Soorts M'vror By The Associated Press Today A Year Ago The International Olympic executive committee recommended that West Germanv and Japan take part in the 1952 Olvmpics. Five Years Ago The St.

Louis Cards blanked the New York Giants. 4-0. to increase their National league lead to 2'a games over the Brooklyn Dnrleers. Ten Years Ago Louise Brough defeated Doris Hart in the finals of the National Girls' tennis tourney in Philadelphia. Twenty Years Ago Lefty Grove won his 2th victory of the season as the Philadelphia A's beat the New York Yankees, 7-4.

Besides cutting into a fat gate. creased stocking of lakes and out of action for at least three days, Dr. Sweeny said. streams but fishing keeps getting the winner will move behind Ez-zard Charles for the next cracks poorer. The greatest stride thpt blood pressure takes a jump when you get a lusty strike, you are a possible convert to futuristic fishing.

modern angler knows that catching fish on flies or plugs is much more fun. He wants that surface smash that makes musky, bass or trout fish- could possibly be taken toward nt champion Jersey Joe Walcott. It's possible that Charles, the ex- Runs Scored ST. LOUIS Stan Musial scored more than 100 runs in 1950 for the seventh straight year. "Hmmm HUIOMOIIU ICIIIJ iS If 1SQ09 IIEMTUIt lOilf champ, may take on the winner better fishing would be he discontinuation of the use of live bait for all but pan fish.

food for thought. Isn't MAIN AT WASHINGTON HOWARD 9TI9 this winter..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Article information

Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 6022

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.