Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

a a to to to to to a a a a a a a a THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE 'Monday Evening, March 27, 1939 Bandmasters Convene Here Over Weekend The Green Bay high school on previous occasions had demonstrated that it is capable of handling a concert program varying from the classics to the redhot Harlem rug-cutting syncopation. Last night they presented another such program in West high auditorium, and they did it masterfully. More significant, though, was the demonstration that their technic is far from stilted, for they had to respond to the batons of not one, but 15 different directors. It was the final event of the fourth semi-annual session of the Wisconsin Bandmasters association which opened here Saturday. Fifteen directors, all association vation in music, frequent members, was touch an innoscald changes of leaders not having been attempted before with high school players.

An audience of 1,100 was present. Henry Winsauer, the efficient director of the famous Kohler band took his turn with the baton for the stirring Franz von Suppe overture, "Light Cavalry." This was followed by the gentle music of Carleton Colby's poem, "The Message of the Chimes." Edgar H. Zobel of Ripon directed the number. March By Members Fittingly enough, the official march of the association, B. opened the program.

It was written by two members, Ernest Weber and Theodore Steinmetz, and was directed by Joseph Gigante of "Southern up Milwaukesod the southern melodies' interspersed with original themes founded upon Negro rhythms, was directed by S. E. Mear, Whitewater. Lucius Hosmer, an American, was the composer. Novel, exciting and full of contrasts was David Bennett's "From Mrs.

Brouette to Head Elmore A. Mrs. B. L. Brouette was reelected president of Elmore A.

at the regular election meeting Friday afternoon and was also named delegate to attend the state T. A. convention at Madison, April 18. 19 and 20. Other officers chosen were Miss Almira Donovan, first vice president; Mrs.

William Hannon, second vice president; Mrs. George Molesworth, treasurer; and Mrs. Ray Hansen, secretary. The program presented included a piano duet and Richard Hansen, 'accordion selections by Carole Reynard and Emerald Van Langendon and the showing of the film, "Milk All the Way." A candy sale with Mrs. Molesworth as chairman will be held April 4 and the rummage sale which was postponed will be held May 3.

LEAVE ON TRIP Miss Edith Toule and Mrs. John Dinwoodie left this morning for Kansas City. Miss Toule will visit there for the next month with her sister, Mrs. John W. Karn.

Mrs. Dinwoodie will remain in Kansas City for several days and will, then go to Chicago, where she visit with Irene Doran, a former Green Bay resident. She plans to return to Green Bay next week. GIVES PROGRAM Miss Mary Waterstreet, who is filling a group of monolog engagements in Chicago, was to appear today before the Hyde Park Travel club, wth her monodrama program following the annual spring banquet of the organization at the Windermere hotel. CLUB TO MEET A one-act play, "The Tiger's Claw," will be presented before members of the Junior Marquette club at their meeting at 8 o'clock this evening in the Columbus club.

Moving pictures will be shown after the business meeting. Africa to Harlem." As the title indicates, it traces the development of American popular music from the weird melodies of the African jungle to the "hot" tunes of the present day. Norman K. Brahmstedt of Milwaukee was the conductor. Alex P.

Enna, Nicolet high school band director was given a prolonged ovation as he appeared to direct "Ballet Egyptian," by Alexander Luigini. Similar applause greeted J. Paul Schen, director of the concert band, when he conducted "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1," by Franz Liszt. Present Composition Joseph Bergein, newly-elected presidnet of the Wisconsin Bandmasters, association, "The presented Sky- his writer," a number which the audience Other found directors wholly agreeable.

presentations were: Ernest Weber of Flotow's overture, "Martha:" Damon H. Shook of West Allis with the descriptive march, "Skyrockets," by Leonard: Peter Michelsen of Stevens Point with the fantasia, "Childhood Days," by Peter Buys; E. C. Moore with the "Sonata for Wood-Winds" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Harvey E.

Krueger of Milwaukee conducted Dr. Charles O'Neills "The Three Graces." "In the Tavern" was the contribution by Adolf Jensen and was directed by Sandy Smith of Shorewood. "On Wisconsin" was offered as the finale. Mr. Schenk was elected vice president of the association at Saturday's business session.

Mr. Bergein advanced from the vice presidency to presidency, while Mr. Krueger was elected secretary and Mr. Weber was reelected treasurer. Mr.

Mear went on the board of directors. Marriage Licenses The following applications for marriage licenses have been filed in the office of Omer F. Rothe, county clerk: Russell La Count. 1347 Dousman street, a and Marvel Schultz, 527 S. Maple avenue.

William F. Bubolz, 315 S. Ashland avenue, and Ellen K. Peterson. 315 S.

Ashland avenue. Charles Golueke. Green Bay, route 6, and Juel Fillion, 812 S. Van Buren street. D.

of I. Arrange Social Meeting The Daughters of Isabella will meet for a supper and social meeting at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday in the North room of the Columbus club preceding a talk by the Rev. Basil Reuss of St.

Norbert college and numbers by Miss June Schreihart accompanied by Miss Mary Berendsen. Roller skating and cards will follow the program. regular Glee club rehearsal will also be held Tuesday evening. Four members of the organization were guests of the Manitowoc Daughters of Isabella Sunday. Parents of Daughter Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Mead, 423 S. Van Buren street, are the parents of a daughter morning at St. Vincent hospital. The baby is to be named Clare Frances.

Mrs. Mead is the former Ann McKeough. Associations Officers of Whitney A. will be elected at the regular meeting at 3:30 p. m.

Tuesday in the auditorium. A short program will be presented by the children and refreshments will be served. DAILY CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Solution of Saturday's Puzzle 6. Norwegian territorial division PICA PAN BUFF 7. Note of the scale AROW ICE ELI 8.

Thick soup 9. Shoot from COUNTERFEITER ambush ANN ACE AGREE 11. 10. Metal Invite fastener TILE ASEA 16. 18.

Cavity Calamitous SHELL FIT MAP 20. Burns PURL SIX POLL 21. Second President 0.1 8. YES MUG MANLY 23. 22.

Singing Commence bird EDAM LOST 24. River in Switzerland OCCUR BUT AAR and France COUNTER CHANGE 27. 25. Dye Leaven TIRE FAR REED 31 30. 31.

Souvenir Withdrew ORES TYE ESSE 33. 34. Be Hoarfrost very fond of 40. Portended DOWN 36. Burdened 42.

Retaliation 1. High mountain 37. Lid 45. One of the sails 39. One of 2.

Perceive an of a wind- ancient race mill ocularly 40. Poor 46. After song 3. 41. Have 42.

Tier debts 48. Shoe lachet 49. Lair 4. Meager 43. Pikelike fish 50.

Endow 44. Flow back 51. Sphere 5. Dangle 47. Italian river 8 9 15 18 ACROSS 1.

Serpent 4. Keen 9. Mineral spring 12. Shelter 13. Carved gem 14.

Scandinavian brownie 15. Hanging ornament 17. Opine 19. Sound of a bell 20. Cease 21.

Prevent 23. Place where seals are raised 26. Take the chief meal 27. Degree of progression 28. Pronoun 29.

Skill 30. Gaze 31. Extinct bird 32. Myself 33. Raises 34.

Device for refracting light rays 35. Ask 37. Celestial body 38. So be it 39. Change position 21 122 123 24 25 27 28 32 33 34 35 36 36 39 40 41 43 Modes of the Moment plaid cravat silk--ginger, spice to this black Easter suit.

the top of a shiny black, straw, to match. (Designs by Lilly Dache.) To Make Plans for Riding Organization Intending to increase the scope of riding activity, the Oneida stable is meeting of all persons interested" in horseback riding Tuesday evening at the residence. All persons who have ridden at the stables and anyone who wishes to ride is urged to attend this meeting, as plans will be made for the organization of a club to promote more activity. The meeting has been called for 8 o'clock to accommodate those working in stores and offices. The proposed program would provide for an annual horse show, for various horseback excursions, and for other yearround activities.

And the purpose of tomorrow night's meeting is to shape the program to suit the riders interested in forming such a club. The price paid for club membership would cover all riding done at the club, permitting members to ride as much as they wish. Attend Meeting of V.F. W. Auxiliary Among the 100 representatives of V.

F. W. auxiliaries eighth district who attended the meeting at which Harvey Pierre auxiliary, Appleton, was hostess Sunday afternoon and evening were several members of the Green Bay auxiliary. During the afternoon meeting floorwork was exemplified by the Appleton auxiliary and Mrs. Kathryn Lysaker, La Crosse, department president.

Post members also attended the banquet at Eagles hall at which Les Myers, Green Bay, national council member, was the principal speaker. Green Bay auxiliary be held The regular meeting, of the at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the Fern room of the Columbus club. Observes Birthday Anton Smits observed his 78th birthday Sunday at his home, 1136 E.

Mason street. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Charles, Sturgeon Bay; Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Smits, Gillett; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Smits, Oneida: Mrs. Rose Lambert, Glenmore; Mr. and Mrs.

John Petter, Misses Lillian Lambert and Mary Boehm, Henry Poels, Earl Adlesbush and John Mancheski, all of Green Bay. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zoll, 410 N. Ashland avenue, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Zoll, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zoll, Miss Agnes Zoll, and Dick Zoll went to Oshkosh Sunday to attend the celebration of Frank Zoll's mother's 90th birthday anniversary. ART CLUB MEETING Great Genre painters of England will be studied at the meeting of the Beaux Arts club of the Vocational school at the meeting at 7:30 Tuesday evening.

Two more meetings of the class will be held this year. SALE COMMITTEE MEETING Members of the committee in charge of the bake sale which the American Legion auxiliary will sponsor will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the Legion building prior to the board meeting at 7:45 and the regular meeting at 8 p. m.

GLASSES John W. Arney D. OPTOMETRIST Dr. Arney Charges Less. No better can be had at any price.

1008 Main Green Bay Starts Novena in Local Church Perpetual novena devotions in honor of Our Sorrowful Mother will be inaugurated Friday of this week in St. Willebrord's church which thus becomes one of hundreds of churches in 58 different Catholic dioceses of the United States where service is held every Friddopular The Servite Fathers of Chicago originated novena to Our Sorrowful Mother two years ago in their church dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, and since then it has spread to all parts of the United States, from Boston to California, and even to parts of Canada. Speaking at all masses in St. Willebrord's church on Sunday, the Rev. Hugh Calkins of the Chicago Servites explained the devotion to the parishioners.

Father Calkins pointed out that in times of stress within the church or among peoples of various nations, devotions have sprung means of special, keeping Christianity alive. He said that in the present time of internal and international strife the phenomenal growth of this devotion to the Mother Sorrows is further evidence of this fact. Two Services In Chicago, 73,000 people are making the novena at the 38 services held each Friday in Our Lady of Sorrows church. An average of 40,000 acknowledgements of favors received through the intercession of Our Sorrowful Mother is reported weekly at this church, Father Calkins said. The novena devotions consist of the "Via Matris," the making of the seven stations of the Mother of prayers culled from the Service manual, two Sancient: hymns to the Blessed Virgin, recitation the Memorare, benediction the Blessed Sacrament.

of Two services will be every Friday evening at St. Willebrord's, one at 7 and one at 8 o'clock, to which everyone in the city wishing to invoke the Mother of Sorrows for special favors, is welcome. The public novena to Our Sorrowful Mother can be made only in churches in which the "Via Matris" has, been canonically erected and Willebrord's is one of the few churches in this vicinity so privileged. The seven stations and the statue of the Mother of Sorrows are located in the corridor adjoining the church proper. The people join in the prayers and the singing, and for the purpose of familiarizing them with the routine, "rehearsal" will be held Wednesday and Thursday evening at St.

Willebrord's under Father Calkins' leadership. Society Plans Last of Lenten Luncheons The last of lenten luncheons sponsored by the Woman's society of Christ Episcopal church will be given Tuesday from a. m. to p. m.

Anyone wishing to take this opportunity to entertain one or more tables at this luncreon may make arrangements with Mrs. E. W. Ziebel, De Pere 221W, before 9 a. m.

Tuesday and special service will be provided. Women of De Pere and Green Bay are cooperating in this project. Church Societies The Junior Luther league of Grace Lutheran church will hold regular meeting at 7 o'clock this evening a at the church. The Woman's Union of the First Baptist church will meet at 2:30 p. m.

Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Norman Smith, 1142 S. Jackson street. TO WED IN JUNE Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Mraz, 735 Willow street, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Katherine, to George Biwer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biwer, Wausau. Miss Mraz is a graduate of East high school and Oshkosh State Teachers college and was formerly girls' supervisor of the city playgrounds. Mr.

Biwer is a graduate of Stout Institute and received his master's degree from Colorado State college, Collins, Colo. Both young people have been teaching in Wausau for several years. The wedding will take place early in June. PLAN BUSINESS MEET Members of the Catholic Woman's club will have a business meeting at 3 p. m.

Tuesday in the Allouez Community house. Fifi Gets Divorce Fifi D'Orsay (above), had this advice for wives, after she was awarded a divorce from Maurice Earl Hill, in Chicago: "Never let your husband go to Hollywood." The stage and screen actress is shown in a divorce court anteroom. GOVERNORS OPPOSE OLEOMARGARINE TAX Group Plans to Break Down Trade Barriers. WASHINGTON, D. C.

The Southeastern Governors' conference, composed of the elective heads of nine southeastern states, took up the fight against the discriminatory taxation of margarine made of American farm products, in a conference just held at Atlanta, Ga. The meeting was devoted to the furthering of a program to break down internal barriers to trade. The governors, in a free resolution adopted by the conference, called upon congress and those states now imposing restrictions upon the sale of margarine all discriminatory restrictions which hinder the free and unmolested sale and of margarine in the United States." The resolution further asserted that "southern vegetable oils (used in margarine) are important farm products and are as much entitled to open free market outlets in interstate commerce as northern butterfats," and that "it is economically unsound public policy to maintain state trade barriers which destroy markets needed to provide additional agricultural income." It was pointed out that discriminatory taxes and restrictions on margarine, now imposed by many northern and western states and the federal government, "deprive millions of low-income families of the only tablespread within their reach." This was said to create a paradoxical situation, since the United States suffers "an annual shortage of tablespread (butter and margarine) of over two billion pounds annually." The conference was attended by Govs. Rivers of Georgia, Bailey of Arkansas, Dixon of Alabama, White of Mississippi, Cooper of Tennessee, and the representatives governors of four other states. The conferees also received a telegram from Gov.

Lloyd C. Stark of Missouri, protesting against interstate trade barriers. GILA MONSTER BITES BOY CASTRO VALLEY, CalJackie Howell, 12, looked down between two rocks and saw. what to all appearances was a woman's purse. He reached down to pick up the "purse" and it bit him.

It developed that it was a Gila monster, 19 inches long, one of largest of its kind. However, the purse idea still persisted, and after killing the monster with stones, he skinned it and took the pelt home to have a purse made for his mother. at Gray my age. Hair CERTAINLY NOT -I CANT AFFORD IT! CANUTE WATER SOLVES MY PROBLEM simply wet it SAFE! If you have gray hair, with Canute Water and allow to dry. No Skin Test Needed In 1 to 3 applications (depending on Canute Water is safe and shade) it will be completely re-colored, 25 pure.

It has without been used injury for to over similar to its former natural shade. years In addition to one day, if you After that this remarkable record of safesingle person. single treatment only a month ty Canute Water was also wishes will keep it that way. tested and proven perfectly harmless by a Noted Scientist You may curl, wave or set your hair in one of America's greatest or get a permanent. The color Universities.

also proof against sun, air, NO OTHER PRODUCT CAN Sale water and shampooing. MAKE THESE CLAIMS Canute Water is pure, colorless and crystal clear. It leaves touch. your You hair will clean be natural the Is it any wonder that we sell unable to distinguish the re-colored more Canute Water than all hair from the natural. You will be de- other hair coloring lighted to see how completely Canute tions combined? Water solves your problem.

6-application $115 Toiletries- Floor H. C. PRANGE CO. Heirlooms To Be Art Students To Exhibit Feature Show Paintings Heirlooms which have never before been displayed in public are being loaned by Green Bay people for the heirloom and hobby show Tuesday afteronon in Pilgrim hall of Union Congregational church. One of the rare exhibits tomorrow is a spoon made by Paul Revolutionary patriot, who, in his day, was famous as a silversmith and bearing the initials This spoon originally belonged to Elizabeth Elmore of Ipswich, an ancestress of Jean Cady, the exhibitor.

Miss other Cady showing many specimens of antique silver beher family, one of the spoons being more than 200 years old. Has Unusual Exhibit Mrs. F. C. Tooker, will have an unusual exhibit, consulting among other things of vases, sandwich glass, pictures, embroidery, and a set of baby clothes many years old.

She will wear a dress belonging to a member of the family during the Civil war period, and with it some very valuable antique jewelry. Mrs. H. O. Nufan will have a large display, of silver, pewter, copper, early American pressed glass, and furniture.

All of these articles were inherited by Mr. Numan from his family, who were Quakers living in Glen's Falls, U. Y. Some of her silver to be displayed is more than 200 years old. Several pieces of interesting pewter are among the loans from Mrs.

M. W. Harrison. One of the pieces an English pewter pot made by Shaw and Fisher. Sheffield, who manufactured pewter between the years 1693 and 1796.

Another is a dish used for cooking eggs, a style seldom seen. She is also loaning a coverlet. the property of her mother, Alletta French Hanson, when she went to housekeeping in 1868. Has Tank Painting Among the articles being exhibited by Mrs. Sumner Larsen is a beautiful water color, the work of Marv Tank.

daughter of Otto Tank. She is also showing a bag of quaint needlework. which is about 150 years old. a paisley shawl, and other articles of equal interest. The above are only a few of the exhibits, show.

which The will affair be on will display have its social aspect as a tea will be served during the afternoon to the visitors. Dr. Darling Talks at Sunday's Forum Dr. S. F.

Darling, professor of science at Lawrence college, addressed about 100 members of the Young People's forum of the First Methodist church Sunday night on "Fakery in Drugs." He traced the development of the Pure Food law which came into effect in 1906 and pointed out that prior to that time anything could be put on the market and sold. He also told of developments during the last eight years which finally has led lawmakers to include cosmetics in the law. Dr. Darling explained that obtaining patents for medicines is ineffective in that people can obtain the formulas from the patent office and consequently obtain the names of ingredients used. Testimonials, he said, are in cases not authentic and although the general public is not aware of the harmful effects of many medicines, records of them are on file with the Medical association.

The young people of the Appleton Methodist church will present the three-act play, "Brothers," at the meeting of the forum next Sunday night. City Briefs A regular meeting of the W. B. A. will be held at 2:30 p.

m. Tuesday in the Fern room of the Columbus club. The Ella Sauber Study group will meet at 8 o'clock this evening at the home of Mrs. Meyer Cohen, 622 S. Webster avenue.


2-HOUR PARKING An Achievement show consisting of work done in Vocational school art classes during the year will 1 be one of the closing activities of the Vocational school year. The show, totaling about 120 pieces, was put up in the halls of the building today by Mrs. Lou Matthews Bedore and Miss Agnes Wainwright and will remain there through the convention of Northeastern Wisconsin Teachers' association at the end of the week. As the work being shown is representative of the entire year's study by some exceptionally able adults and young people in Green Bay, the school administration feels that the public will be interested in the display opened the building to the public, urging them to inspect the work done and progress made. The paintings will be displayed on all three floors of the building and will remain through March 31.

Both Mrs. Bedore, who teaches the more advanced class in the afternoon, and Miss Wainwright, who has the evening class, feel that the work done this year showed exceptional ability and a good deal of promise. Mrs. Bedore's class will show paintings representing their drawing studies and various media. Miss Wainwright's classes have been studying drawing and composition, using pastels, water colors, and charcoal.

Paintings in both groups deal mainly with figure composition. Some of the work is for sale. WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E.

Krueg. er, Milwaukee, who came to Green Bay for the convention of the Wisconsin Bandmasters association, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. P.

Wohlfeil, 161 N. Oakland avenue. Mr. Krueger is the secretary of the association. chartreuse and beige--adds fashion It makes a scarf which falls from disk beret and a big envelope bag Card Parties The Women of the Moose will hold a public card party at 2:30 p.

m. Tuesday in Moose hall. Five hundred will be played. A public card party will be sponsored by the committee of the Women of the Moose at 8 p. m.

Tuesday in Moose hall. Schafskopf, 500 and other games will be played and refreshments will be served. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Spiritualist church will hold a card party and bazaar at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs.

Louis Fabry, Mission road. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. The Newcomers club will sponsor another of its card parties at 1:45 p. m.

Tuesday in the Y. W. C. A. with Mrs.

F. R. Burke, Mrs. C. M.

Allison, and Mrs. C. M. Herold as hostesses. Contract and auction bridge and 500 will be be played.

Reservations should be made with Mrs. Burke, Howard 3974. Pilgrim Chorus in Concert on Sunday The Pilgrim chorus of Union Congregational church which was organized last October and appeared in concert at Sturgeon Bay last week will offer its first concert before a Green Bay audience at 4 p. m. Sunday at the church.

Earl E. Fisk, who has worked with the Y. M. C. A.

Glee club for the last eight years, is director and Mrs. Ernest Straubel, accompanist and director of the Young People's choir. The latter group will appear with the chorus in the singing of "Beautiful Savior," a melody from the 12th century arranged by F. Melius Christiansen. Soloists for the afternoon will be Miss Eunice Nelson, soprano, and Jack Phillips, tenor.

The first group of numbers to include music by Mozart, Gaul and Gounod will be followed by solos after which the chorus will offer a group of A capella numbers including an early American spiritual and a Negro spiritual. An organ selection by Mrs. Ernest Straubel, will precede the closing numbers featuring one with both organ and piano a accompaniment. Gwen Ellen Parks will be at the piano. TO GIVE LECTURE Mrs.

Francis Gallagher went to Two Rivers today to, lecture on "Art in Every Day Life" as related to the home and costume, before the Evening Woman's club in the Hamilton Community center. She will be the dinner guest of Mrs. D. C. Dean this evening.

ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freriks, 926 St. George street, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Elaine, to Elmer Gillis, son of Mr. and Mrs.

William Gillis, 1214 Smith street. The wedding will take place in May. Picture Framing 14 Years' experience is your guarantee of finest workmanship. Modest Prices Newest Style Mouldings BERENDSEN Pictures--FramesFraming 311 N. Adams St.

Penetro relieves COLD coughing "stuffy" and feeling, distress due to coldsRELIEF induces rest. It's stainless and snowwhite. Try it today. PENETRO Get Now On Display EASTER Greeting Cards MASSOPUST ART-SIGNS-GIFTS 216 E. Walnut Extra Special! Off On All Permanents THIS WEEK ONLY! $10 Oil Croquignole Permanent.

Complete $5 $8 Gabrileen Permanent. Complete $4 $6 Pure Oil Permanent. Complete $2.60 Loads of Pretty Curls Rita Beauty Shop Howard 2271 109 S. Madison Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings. HALFPAP BROS JEWELERS DIAMONDS WATCHES 409 DOUSMAN 614 S.

BROADWAY 30 150 20 Coats that are finds at Those who know a smooth- lying lapel when they see one who won't look at a style unless it's up to the minute--make Jacobs their headquarters for coats! There they find unquestionable quality and superior styling at prices that are easy on the budget. The Balmacaan Wool and Camel's Hair $1695 314 N. Washington St. Attend Free Electrical Safety Show, Vocational School Auditorium, Fri..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Green Bay Press Gazette? ›

Placing an obituary in the Green Bay Press-Gazette starts at $40.00.

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You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-5042.

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Weekly paid newspaper delivered Fridays via US mail serving greater Green Bay and Brown County, Wisc.

Where is the Green Bay Press Gazette? ›

Green Bay Press-Gazette
Press-Gazette Building
TypeDaily newspaper
Founded1866 (as the Green Bay Gazette)
Headquarters435 East Walnut Street, Green Bay, WI 54301 U.S.
Circulation16,484 (as of 2022)
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Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

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What is the phone number for the UW Green Bay Registrar? ›


How do I contact the Green Bay Packers? ›

  1. Administration. (920) 569-7301.
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  3. Communications. (920) 569-7201.
  4. Ticket Office. (920) 569-7101.
  5. Packers Pro Shop. (920) 569-7151.

Are people moving to Green Bay? ›

Green Bay, Wisconsin is a city with a population of over 100,000 people and growing. Recent population growth has seen the population increase 2.6% from 2010 to 2019, making it the third fastest growing city in Wisconsin. The community in Green Bay is one of the great reasons that more and more people are moving there.

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Click the image to learn more. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (

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San Francisco Chronicle - HEARST.

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Jan 21, 2022

Who owns News-Press Gazette? ›

The News-Press & Gazette Company (NPG) is a media company based in St. Joseph, Missouri, wholly owned and operated by the Bradley family.

What is the local Green Bay news station? ›

Green Bay Wisconsin News and Headlines. WGBA - TV. NBC26.

How do I submit an obituary to the local newspaper? ›

Most newspapers will have links on their websites directing people to submit a paid death notice, usually under the heading “Obituaries” or “Obits.” While some newspapers manage their own obituary submission and management processes, many newspapers work with the obituary and death notice website

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Average Obituary usually ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 See What Affects Pricing for details.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

How much does an Obituary Writer make? The estimated total pay for a Obituary Writer is $129,113 per year, with an average salary of $98,850 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Asbury Park press? ›

Placing an obituary in the Asbury Park Press starts at $87.00.

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.