Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

Friday Evening, October 9, 1942 THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZE. Community Theater Opens Sixth Season on Thursday moved with ease in putting across Barrie's subtle but sentimental humor. Completing the cast were Dorothy Ebert as Fanny, the maid; Mary Bess Doty, the family nurse; and Elaine Holterman as Richardson, the co*ckney servant of Stephen Rollo. The action of the play occurs in both the living room of the Grey home and Stephen Rollo's chambers in London, all within an afternoon and evening. The story centers around the two Grey children as they welcome their parents on their return from India following an absence of several years.

The daughter, adopting a dramatic flair in her mannerisms as the result of having seen several romantic plays, and the son, at an when he wants to ward a off affectionate gestures, gO through the trials of learning to know their parents. They corsequently misunderstand and meet complicated situations, one of which centers around the young Englishman whom Amy thinks loves her mother. She, in turn, adopts the tactics of a play heroine, even at the end, when she believes herself responsible for bringing her father and mother By CLARICE ROWLANDS able acting as they unfalteringly Community theater actors, both new and experienced, delighted the audience which witnessed their interpretation of J. M. Barrie's, comedy, Thursday Sit-by-the- in the Columbus club auditorium.

Many were probably realistically taken back to the Gibson girl era in the early 1900's because of the authenticity of the costumes and settings which contributed to the atmosphere the play portrayed. Last evening's performance marked the opening of Community theater's sixth season for Green Bay playgoers a season which will undoubtedly continue Director Ralph Mead's record of presenting a series of ably chosen and well-rounded plays. Membership at the conclusion of this premiere showing of the year totaled about 1,000, a number somewhat less than last year but one that is indicative, despite the conflict of wartime conditions and activities, of continued popularity of the theater. About one third of last year's membership has moved out of the city. Portrayals Outstanding To cite one particular player for fair as each Thespian effectively exceptional acting ability, is unsucceeded in living his role throughout the three acts.

Mary Gage, as Alice Grey, the fun-lovwife of Colonel Grey played by Leo Kosnar, lived up to her record of skillful acting. Kosnar, too, added another chalk mark to his list of excellent character portrayals. Four young newcomers, Francine Larscheid as Amy the 16-year-old daughter; Marifrances Fleming playing Geneva Dunbar, bosom pal of Amy; Joseph Horner III in the role of Cosmo Grey, the 13-year-old son; and Robert Knox as Stephen Rollo, the young Englishman who had a fancy for Alice, turned in highly commend- Corps Members to Attend Marinette Meeting Oct. 20 Arrangements to attend the district convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, at Marinette, Oct. 20 were made at the regular meeting of the local Corps Thursday afternoon in the Legion building.

Announcement was made that the 12th annual Homecoming will be held early in November with the date to be announced later. The Corps made plans to send Christmas boxes to sons and daughters of Corps members in the service with Mrs. Elmer Lenz named as chairman of the committee appointed to pack and mail the boxes. Mrs. F.

C. Jansen, relief chairman, reported that members had contributed 70 hours ing at the Red Cross Production house since the last meeting. An invitation was received by the Corps to attend the golden jubilee of the Robert Mueller Corps of Milwaukee, Oct. 15 at Memorial hall. The Corps voted to present a flag to District No.

3, school of Preble, in honor of Mrs. Ernestine Liebman. Mrs. L. E.

Liebmann and Mrs. Henry Rothe were appointed national aides to serve during the coming year. Appointment was made by the president, Mrs. Albert Janssen. The social committee named to serve in October includes Mmes.

Omer Rothe, G. R. Hayden, Ira Clark, George Lucia, Albert Pamperin, Alfred Lison, Louis Butterfield and Effie Benton. Bazaar Sunday At St. Joseph's A Joseph's bazaar church will be held at beginning at 7:30 Sunday evening, it was announced this morning.

Lunches will be served and there will be a variety of games and other forms of entertainment during the evening. Sunday Broadcast Miss Marguerite Wells, president of the National League of Women Voters, will be interviewed in a broadcast over the N. B. C. red network at 9:30 Sunday morning.

She will be heard on the Merry Commando hour and will be questioned on "How to Get the Best Congress." To Sponsor Benefit Cormier P. T. A. will sponsor a public benefit. party at 8 o'clock Friday evening at the school.

nearer to each other. Next Play In November Outstanding scenes included the one in which young Cosmo first greets his Amy and clattera another, athen lescent ideas on propriety as based romantic plays and the one in which Alice discovers her own daughter hiding in the closet of the young Technical were Englishmambers Dorothy Ebert, prompter, and John Mohr, property, chairman, assisted by Louis and Tom Vander Zanden. The 1942-43 season will offer members of the theater five more presentations with the next scheduled in November. Roosevelt P.T.A. Holds First Meeting, Name New Heads The Roosevelt A.

held its first meeting Tuesday with a large attendance. First grade children presented the program. During the business meeting following chairmen were appointed: program, Miss Lucy Bossard; hospitality, Mrs. F. L.

Earp; membership, Mrs. H. B. Washburn; magazines, Mrs. Paul Steinert; social, Mrs.

H. C. Hintz; publicity, Mrs. R. J.

Routhieaux; Red Cross, Mrs. George Piron; health, Mrs. Alden Van Dycke, and study group, Mrs. Richard Nelson. Following the meeting refreshments were served by members of the executive board.

Any mother interested in joining the home nursing class is asked to call Adams 1886-J. Importance of Food Told to Elmore PTA Mrs. L. P. Works addressed members of the Elmore P.

T. A. at their regular meeting Thursday afternoon on the importance of the right foods as a factor in winning the war. Teachers acted as hostesses. Efforts are being made to have a 100 per cent rating in the membership drive now being conducted.

The organization has established a surgical dressings to be held from 7 to 9 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Schilling building under the supervision of Miss Margaret Heffernan. Mrs. Ed Balza, who is in charge of Red Cross work for the organization, has distributed sewing and knitting among the mothers and would like as many mothers as possible to help in any way. Her phone number is Howard 3249. Announcement was made of a rummage sale to be held at 7:30 Saturday morning in the Minahan building.

The short business meeting was followed by a bake sale sponsored by the Girl Scouts. Concert Series is To Be Cancelled Because not enough people subscribed to the series of three concerts promised for the coming season, the Green Bay Concert league has decided to cancel the concerts for this year. The money which has been sent in for tickets will be refunded shortly. NONE St. Joseph SURER WORLD'S LARGEST ASPIRIN SELLER AT hardly knew you!" Sincere compliments are golden words to any woman, and people can't help commenting when your appearance is improved.

Our expert beauty operators have the finest equipment and the best materials to work with. They have a sincere interest in their customers and those things combine to mean extra charm for you. Phone Adams 63 for an appointment. BEAUTY DOLL HOUSE SHOP ADAMS 63 218 N. MONROE Fr.

Righino Denounces False Press Speaking on "The American Press and the Truth about the Faith in Latin America," the Rev. A. J. Righino, O. professor of hispanics at St.

Norbert college, addressed 250 members of the Green Bay Diocesan Council of Women at the last Catholic, their 18th annual convention held here Wednesday and Thursday. Father Righino decried the many ridiculous statements that he said have been made about the church in Latin America. especially renounced John Gunther's book, "Inside Latin America," for the Bolivian government recently published a statement against his chapter on Bolivia. "The imminent Mr. Gunther arrived in Bolivia 9:30 a.

m. one morning and left at 6:40 p. said Father Righino, "and yet he considered himself so well-versed on that little visit that he wrote a whole chapter about the republic full, of course, of erroneous state- ments." Outlined Priests' Work The priest outlined the work the early Spanish Catholics in colonizing Latin America and cited many for their progress with the primitive Indians. They founded the University of Mexico and of Lima in the 1550's, while Harvard university, our first center of learning, was not founded until 1636. Father Righino went on to tell of the church's place in Mexico, where he has recently spent the summer.

He said that the assumption that the church was mixed up in politics was not true, but rebellion there started when the Mexican government refused to recognize the Catholic hierarchy. "Although the Catholics in Mexico have endured many hardships and persecutions in the last years they will continue somehow to practice their religion. Mexico is 90 per cent Catholic." He summarized, each with proof, the many false accusations made against Catholics in Mexico and in Latin America, and stated that since the church has endured so much all these years it would never die in the southern Republics. Report Meetings Held The second and last day of the convention opened yesterday with a mass for the deceased members followed by a morning session devoted to reports for the year from the officers and the various chairmen of the council clubs. In the afternoon, following the luncheon, the new officers and deanery directors were announced.

Mrs. Francis Higgins of Clintonville is the new president of the council, succeeding Miss Stella Flatley, Green Bay, who has held the office for five years. Others were: Mrs. Frank Brogan, Kaukauna, first vice president: Mrs. Jerry Goyette, Marinette, second vice president; Mrs.

Francis Horne, Crandon, third vice president; Mrs. E. W. Cooney, Appleton, fourth vice president; Mrs. Arthur Raymond, Stevens Point, fifth vice president; and Mrs.

E. T. O'Brien, Two Rivers, sixth vice president; Mrs. J. A.

McDonald, Green Bay, recording secretary, and Mrs. Andrew Jan- sen, Green Bay, treasurer. Deanery Directors The deanery directors for the coming year are: the Mmes. C. E.

Van Hecke, Joseph Schmaus, both of Stevens Point; Arnold Verbeten, Kaukauna; Earl Thomas, Shawano; Verna Gruber, Suring; William Nemacheck, Appleton; Y. J. Fencil, Casco: Edmund Bebeau, Sawyer; Leo DeGreef, Green Bay; Joseph Kopetski, Marinette; A. J. Begin, Antigo; E.

E. MacDonald, Oshkosh: Charles Weix. Two Rivers; Joseph Carew, Waupaca; O. H. Olm, Manitowoc; W.

J. Thielke, STEWARTS Chesterfield Coat COAT OF THE YEAR ALL PURPOSE COAT MIXER OF ALL TIME Most satisfactory coat you could imagine clean as a whistle in line. Boxy and young. Made to go everywhere- over suits daytime clothes. In all wool with velvet collar.

$1995 Sizes 9 to 17 Just ArrivedA New Shipment! WOOL SLIP- OVER Sweaters 2.95 AND $3.95 Gorgeous new high shades in wool--yellow, brown, blue, dusty pink, black, aqua, green. STEWART'S Green Bay, and C. McCready and Joseph Bur, Green Bay. The convention closed with the introduction of the new officers and board members and the singing of "God Bless America." League of Voters Presents Skit for De Pere High School Mrs. Fred Cobb and Mrs.

O. J. Hannas, representing, the League of Women Thursday afternoon presented a skit entitled "The Rising Cost of Living" for students at De Pere High A. B. Hansen, executive secretary of the Brown county council of defense, explained to students the civilian defense organization.

The program, sponsored by the Citizens' Defense corps, will be given next Tuesday evening for the Fort Howard Parent-Teachers' association, it was announced. The ski shows the effects of inflation from the housewives' point of view. AAUW Scholarship Class Discontinued The Saturday morning Scholarship Art class which has been conducted under the auspices of the American Association of University. Women for the last 10 years been discontinued for the present. Through its medium over 50 talented Brown county children have received special training in various types of art work, under the direction Loraine "However, andereacpresent war conditions, the American Association of University Women feels that the funds heretofore devoted to the art class should be allocated to a field where its need is greater and its benefits more widespread.

The class will be resumed in the future, however, whenever circ*mstances permit, HAT and DUET! I BAG In brilliant ombre shaded yarns. This wide brimmed hat and soft "snap-shut" bag ally their drama to climax fall's straight-line costumes. HAT $3.98 To BAG Match $3.98 Mitai OF SURE WELL WE LIKE NABISCO THESE FRESHNESS GRAHAMS BEST CRACKERS OUR HOUSE! NATIONAL ONE POUND GRAHAMS! Letthe youngsters enjoy Nabisco Grahams when they want a between-meal snack! They're wholesome and easily digested. You'll be well pleased every bakery product that carries the red Nabisco seal. NABISCO) Baked by NABISCO NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY LAPLANT HATCHERIES GIVE YOU CHOICE TENDER A-1 POULTRY! FRESH FANCY DRESSED Hens Quality They're Top 32c, Springers Milk Fancy Fed Dressed 35c Up to 5 Lbs.

Adams 1637 1276 Main Bu Adams 673 218 N. Adams St. Free Delivery Service Pork FREE DEMONSTRATION GLOBE Sausage Plankinton Breakfast Sausage Come in and Sample Links lb. 40c Patties lb. 37c Lamb Steak lb.

35c Center of Ham to Fry 51c White Rock Chickens Ham Loaf 2 lbs. 53c 4 to 6 lbs. to Roast. Good Young Duckling. Oranges Size, doz.

43c Carrots 2 11c Bchs. Lemons Jumbo, Doz. 49c Beets 2 Behs. 9c Bartlett Pears Doz. 49c Cauliflower 15-19c Ripe Mushrooms 49c Honey Dews 39c Spanish California Onions 3 lbs.

25c Cantaloupes 22c Large Seedless Bchs. Turnips 2 19c Grapes 18c Squash 10c Tokay Grapes Celery Large Bunch 15c Rutabagas, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Hot House Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Idaho Potatoes. Apple Juice in Tin, No. 10 Apricots, 30 oz. 25c Tin, 101 3 cans $1 Spry 3 lbs.

67c Calumet Baking Ritz, 16 oz. 21c Powder, 8 oz. Tissue 5 rolls 25c Walnuts, lb. 59c Soy Beans Noodles and Pecans, Shelled, 1 lb. 55c Macaroni.

2 pkgs. 25c Black Walnuts, 5 oz. 27c 19c Victory Box for Him. Soy Toast. Soy Cookies 35c Ice Box Cookies, Ready to Zes-tees Breakf.

Food 18c ship without co*cktail Crackers 35c breakage $1.00 I 9 P- Mrs. Frank Baye, 222 S. Madison street, knows now what it would feel like to one you know come back from the dead. Her father, Matthew Buck, whom she for 43 years, arrived yesterday to visit her and posed for this picture with her. He daughter by letter a week ago so she was prepared to see him, but their meeting forgettable experience nevertheless.

Mrs. Baye was ten years old, living with her mother at Escanaba, when ceived word that Mr. Buck had been killed in a steel mill accident in the far west. have been a case of mistaken identity," Mr. Buck says, "because I was in no accident I returned to Escanaba my family had moved away.

No one knew where." After years of unsuccessful searching he finally gave up hope of finding his located at New Troy, near the Indiana line. Recently he contacted an aunt of who was able to give him his daughter's address. Mrs. Buck died four years ago. 74 but is still active and after a week's visit here will return to New Troy.

Mears Club Opens Year The Helen Mears Art Study club opened its year with a meeting recently at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs.

John Minahan, an honorary member who now lives in Wauwatosa, was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon. Roll call during the luncheon was answered by art topics of contemporary interest, with emphasis placed upon the six weeks' special exhibit of six centuries of portrait masterpieces which opened Thursday at the Milwaukee Art institute. In order to become better acquainted with our "good neighbors" in the Western Hemisphere, Mexican and South American art were chosen as program topics for. the year. The program was presented by Mrs.

H. J. Wittry, a guest from the Breakfast Art club. She gave a discussion on a recent trip Mexico and showed articles to silver onyx, and pottery, basketry. weaving, Most leather, esting were tiny faces, no larger than a quarter, which were carved from stone and believed to have been work of pre-historic Aztec Indians.

Home on Leave Seaman First Class Lloyd A. W. DeGraff who enlisted in the Coast Guard here 11 months ago is his first leave with his spending, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A.

De Graff, 442 Bellevue street. He has been stationed in New York City with the intelligence division of the Coast Guard. Winners in Bridge Winners in duplicate bridge at the Y. M. C.

A. Thursday night were North and South, George Kelly and Mrs. "Robert Barkely first; East and West, Dolly, first, Shephard and Mrs. and M. Marion Griswold Marand Mrs.

R. Isaacson, second. DELICIOUS! LIGHT FLUFFY CAKES Every Time with this High Quality CAKE FLOUR Milled from the Finest WHITE WHEAT Large 23 lb. VOLUNTEER Package 1 Cake FLOUR VOLUNTEER PHOTO have somebelieved dead located his was an un- they must and when family and Mrs. Baye He is now Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Sasman, 969 Elmore street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Vera, to Harold R. Knope, Shawano. The ceremony took place Oct. 5 at Miami, where the the bridegroom, machinist mate in the the the the United States Navy, is attending diesel school.

Mrs. Knope plans to remain in Miami until her husband is transferred. Bethel Pastor Will Leave for Iowa Town The Rev. S. S.

Kaldahl has resigned from his pastorate of Bethel Lutheran church, Green Bay, and Immanuel Lutheran church, Oconto, to accept the pastorate of Immanuel Lutheran church in Harlan, la. Pastor Kaldahl will preach his final sermon in Bethel Lutheran church Sunday, Oct. 25, will leave immediately with his family for Harlan, in order to take over the work in his new charge with the beginning of November. He has served Bethel Lutheran church for the last seven years. His successor has, as yet, not been named.

Sheffer Photo MRS. CLARENCE ORDE Vows Pronounced By Mildred Thyrion Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Mildred Thyrion, daughter of Mrs. Joseph 805 Harvey street, and Clarence Orde, 801 Harvey street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Orde.

The service was read at 6 o'clock Saturday evening by Justice Val J. Beth. A blue wool suit with a of roses and sweet peas was worn by the bride. Her sister, Miss Lorraine Thyrion, who was her only attendant, was wearing a plaid wool suit with a corsage like the bride's. Harlan Van Hoosen was best man.

A wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's mother..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Placing an obituary in the Green Bay Press-Gazette starts at $40.00.

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Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

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Where is the Green Bay Press gazette printed? ›

Green Bay Press-Gazette
Press-Gazette Building
TypeDaily newspaper
Founded1866 (as the Green Bay Gazette)
Headquarters435 East Walnut Street, Green Bay, WI 54301 U.S.
Circulation16,484 (as of 2022)
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Click the image to learn more. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (

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Green Bay, Wisconsin is a city with a population of over 100,000 people and growing. Recent population growth has seen the population increase 2.6% from 2010 to 2019, making it the third fastest growing city in Wisconsin. The community in Green Bay is one of the great reasons that more and more people are moving there.

What is the largest newspaper in the Bay Area? ›

San Francisco Chronicle - HEARST.

What is the local Green Bay news station? ›

Green Bay Wisconsin News and Headlines. WGBA - TV. NBC26.

What is the phone number for the UW Green Bay Registrar? ›


How do I contact the Green Bay Packers? ›

  1. Administration. (920) 569-7301.
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  3. Communications. (920) 569-7201.
  4. Ticket Office. (920) 569-7101.
  5. Packers Pro Shop. (920) 569-7151.

How do I submit an obituary to the local newspaper? ›

Most newspapers will have links on their websites directing people to submit a paid death notice, usually under the heading “Obituaries” or “Obits.” While some newspapers manage their own obituary submission and management processes, many newspapers work with the obituary and death notice website

How much should I charge to design a obituary? ›

Average Obituary usually ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 See What Affects Pricing for details.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Asbury Park press? ›

Placing an obituary in the Asbury Park Press starts at $87.00.

How do I make an obituary online? ›

How to Make an Obituary Online With an Obituary Generator
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Sep 21, 2023

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.