Libro de Recetas without names - Inglês (2024)

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Libro De RecetasPor Clase de Español, Nivel 12013-20141CocinerosCaitlin KimConnorAleahGregNicolleTyler Leon JustinaJoanaJuaquín MikeLelaAndy¡Nosotros cocinamos!Editor: Señor Loughren 2Snack/ Meriendas● BacaLaito- Aleah D.● Magdalenas- Connor C.● Tostones- Mike R.● Gallo Pinto- Justina M.● Empanadas- Joana O.By: Lela 3Bacalaitos Cod Fish FrittersPor Aleah ❖ Ingredients/ Ingredientes➢ ¼ lb. Bacalao/ Cod Fish➢ ¾ c. Harina/ Flour➢ Una pizca de sal/ A pinch of salt➢ 1 Paquete de Sazón/ Packet of Sazón➢ ¾ c. Agua/ Water➢ ½ c. Pimientos/ Bell Peppers➢ ⅛ c. Cilantro❖ Instructions/ Instrucciónes❖ Start by mixing flour and water, then add the packet of sazón. ❖ Chop cilantro, and peppers then add to flour and water mix. Set aside. Take cod fish filets and boil them for 5 minutes then get rid of boiling water and let fish drain. ❖ Take cod and break into small pieces, make sure to get rid of bones. They are small so be careful. ❖ Add codfish and salt to bowl with flour and other ingredients.❖ Put a pan with oil on stove on low-medium heat. When oil is hot pour some of the batter in oil and fry till golden brown and crispy. ❖ Immediately take out of oil and place on a plate with paper towels to drain any excess oil. ❖ Let cool for a few minutes and serve while warm.❖ Background/ Historia➢ Bacalaitos son de Puerto Rico y la República Dominicana.➢ From Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.➢ Bacalaitos se sirven en el playa, chuchifritos, y durante los festivales.➢ Served at the beach, chuchifritos, and during festivals.➢ No hay recetas similares.➢ There are no similar recipes accept the different styles of cooking Bacalaitos throughout Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.❖ Recipe Source - This is a family recipe.❖ Photo Source - (Lemon Cupcake)Por Connor Magdalenas are like cupcakes - sweet and lemony, rich, but fluffy. The Spanish traditionally eat them at breakfast with café con leche and they are said to have originated in Aragón. Magdalenas are not often prepared in homes today, but are sold in supermarkets and bakeries everywhere.Magdalenas son de Aragón. La gente come para el desayuno. INGREDIENTES● 4 huevos● 1 taza de azúcar granulada● 1 4 oz mantequilla sin sal● 1 2/3 tazas de harina sin blanquear blanco● 1 cucharada polvo de hornear● ralladura de 1 limón● 1 cucharada de lecheINGREDIENTS ● 4 eggs● 1 cup granulated sugar● 1 4 oz. stick unsalted butter● 1 ⅔ cups unbleached white flour● 1 Tbsp baking powder● zest from 1 lemon● 1 Tbsp milkPREPARATION ● Preheat the oven to 375F degrees. ● In a medium-size mixing bowl, beat the eggs with ¾ cup sugar. Beat until the mixture is light.● In a small sauce pan, melt the butter on medium on the stove top. Or, melt it in the microwave. Make sure that the butter cools slightly and is not bubbling. As you continue to beat the egg mixture, slowly pour in the melted butter, making sure to mix thoroughly. Stir in the lemon zest and milk.● Measure out the flour into a separate bowl. Add the baking powder to the flour and mix thoroughly.● While stirring the egg mixture, add in the flour mixture. Continue to stir until all ingredients are mixed well. The batter will be very thick.● Place paper liners into cupcake pan. Use a large serving spoon to spoon batter into pan, filling each one half full. Batter will more than double in size when baked. Use a teaspoon to sprinkle each magdalena with a bit of the reserved sugar.● Place pans on the middle shelf of the preheated oven for 18-20 minutes, until magdalenas have turned a golden color. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes before taking out of the pan to cool further.Recipe Source - Source - 5Tostones (Fried Plantains)Por Mike Tostones come from many Latin American countries. Tostones are usually eaten whenever. Tostones are commonly eaten as an appetizer. Tostones are similar to sweet plantains that are also consumed by many Latin countries.Tostones son de muchos países de América Latina. Tostones son un aperitivo común. Tostones son similar a plátanos dulces.Ingredients (English): ● Plantains● salt to taste ● oilIngredientes (Español):● Platános● Sal de su sabor● AceiteSteps:1. Open plantains and slice into 1 inch pieces.2. Heat oil.3. Place plantains in oil for 2-3 minutes per side.4. Remove plantains and flatten.5. Return plantains back into oil fry until they are crunchy.Source- family recipePicture- 6Gallo PintoRice and BeansPor Justina Ingredients○ 1 lb black beans○ 8 to 10 cilantro leaves○ 1 small or medium onion○ ½ small red or yellow sweet pepper○ 3 cups chicken broth or water○ 2 cups white rice○ ½ teaspoon salt○ 1 tablespoon vegetable oil○ 1 to 3 tablespoon oilIngredientes○ 1 libra habichuelas negras ○ 8 to 10 hojas de cilantro○ 1 cebolla pequeña o mediana○ ½ pimienta dulce pequeña (roja o amarilla)○ 3 tazas caldo pollo o agua ○ 2 tazas arroz blanco ○ ½ cucharadita sal○ 1 cucharada aceite vegetal○ 1 a 3 cucharada aceite Recipe Directions○ Rinse the beans off then drain them. Add fresh water to an inch above the top of the beans, salt and bring to a boil. Cover the pan and reduce heat to very low simmer until beans are soft.○ Chop cilantro, onion, and sweet pepper very fine.○ Add 1 Tbsp oil to a large pan and sauté the dry rice for 2 minutes over medium high flame then add half of the chopped onion, sweet pepper and cilantro and sauté another 2 minutes. Add water or chicken broth, bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to simmer until rice is tender. ○ Once the rice and beans are cooked you can refrigerate or freeze them. Keep a significant amount of the “black water” with the beans. Sauté the rice, beans reserved chopped onion, sweet pepper and cilantro together in vegetable oil for a few minutes. Sprinkle with a little chopped cilantro before serving.○ Once the rice and beans are cooked you can refrigerate or freeze them. 7Background ○ This dish originated in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, though varieties of Gallo Pinto have been seen in countries close to the Caribbean.○ Gallo Pinto is commonly made as a snack or side dish.○ A similar dish can be found in Panama and El Salvador, where it is called Casamiento.Historia ○ Esto plato es de Costa Rica y Nicaragua, pero el caribe tiene variaciones de Gallo Pinto también. ○ Gallo Pinto es una merienda o un entremés.○ Un plato similar es en Panamá y El Salvador que se llama Casamiento.Sources ○ Picture~○ Recipe~ 8Empanadas (Meat pie)Por Joana Empanadas are popular in Southern Europe, Latin America, the Southwestern United States, and parts of Southeast Asia. The name comes from the Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. These snacks could be used for any event at any time.Empanadas son populares en Europa del Sur, América Latina, el Sudoeste de los Estados Unidos, y partes del sudeste de Asia. El nombre es de los gallegos, los portugueses, y el verbo español “empanar”, que significa cubrir en el pan. Se puede comer en cualquier momento.Ingredientes❏ 1 lb carne de res❏ 1/2 cebolla roja pequeña finamente picado❏ sal y pimienta (suficiente para el gusto)❏ 1 cucharada de comino molido❏ 1 cucharada de chile en polvo❏ 1 lata de salsa de tomate (8 oz)❏ 1 lata de panecillos refrigerados de media luna (8 oz)❏ 1 clara de huevo, batido❏ 1 yema, batidoIngredients ❏ 1 lb of ground beef❏ 1/2 small red onion finely chopped❏ salt and pepper (enough to taste)❏ 1 tablespoon of ground cumin❏ 1 tablespoon of chili powder❏ 1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz)❏ 1 can of refrigerated crescent dinner rolls (8 oz)❏ 1 egg white, beaten❏ 1 egg yolk, beatenDirections1. Into a large skillet, place ground beef, onion, salt and pepper. Cook over medium-high heat until beef is browned; drain. Stir in cumin, chili powder and tomato sauce. Reduce heat to low; cook 5 minutes longer.2. Heat oven to 400°F. Place silicone baking mat on cookie sheet.3. On baking mat, unroll dough into 1 large rectangle;press ends and edges to seal. Using 4-inch round cutter, cut out 8 dough rounds.94. To make each empanada, place about 2 tablespoons beef mixture onto center of each dough round. Using pastry brush (or fingers), gently brush edge of each round with beaten egg white. Fold dough round in half to cover filling; press edges together to seal. Lightly brush tops of empanadas with beaten egg yolk.5. Bake 10 to 12 minute or until golden brown. Serve warm.Recipe and photo source: 10Los Platos ¡Comemos! 11Picadillo de Cerdo y Mangos/Pork Mango HashPor Joana Pork Mango picadillo is a spicy latin american meat dish. It is often served as a stuffing in tacos and chilies, or as a topping on rice. This dish is a delicious part of any of these many meals.Picadillo de cerdo y mango es una comida latinoamericana picante de carne. Muchas veces es un relleno de tacos y chiles, o con arroz. Ingredients❏ 1 lb ground pork, add a bit of oil to the pan when cooking❏ 1/3 cup thinly sliced onions❏ 2 cloves garlic, minced❏ 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon❏ 1 teaspoon ground coriander❏ 1 teaspoon ground cumin❏ 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed❏ 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed❏ 1 cup of chunky, tomato-based salsa ❏ 1 mango, peeled, pitted, cubed❏ 2 Tbsp toasted almonds, chopped❏ 2 Tbsp cilantro leaves❏ Hot cooked white or yellow riceIngredientes❏ 1 lb carne molida de cerdo, agregar un poco de aceite a la sartén para cocinar❏ 1/3 taza de cebolla en rodajas finas ❏ 2 dientes de ajo picados 1 cucharadita de canela molida ❏ 1 cucharadita de cilantro molido ❏ 1 cucharadita de comino molido ❏ 1 cucharadita de orégano seco, machacados❏ 1 cucharadita de tomillo seco, machacados ❏ 1 taza de trozos, salsa de tomate 12❏ 1 mango, pelado, sin semillas, cortado en cubos❏ 2 cucharadas de almendras tostadas, picado ❏ 2 cucharadas de hojas de cilantro cocinado❏ arroz blanco o amarillo calienteDirections❏ Heat a large skillet on medium high. Add small chunks of ground pork to the pan, not stirring, so that the meat has a chance to brown. Once one side is nicely browned, use a spatula to flip the pieces to the other side, again stirring as little as possible. Once you have some nice browning, you can stir and cook the pork make sure all pieces are cooked through and no longer pink. ❏ Lower the heat to medium. Stir in the onions, garlic, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, oregano, and thyme. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes more. Gently stir in salsa and mango pieces.❏ Lower the heat to low. Cover and heat through, about 2 minutes. Spoon into serving dish. Sprinkle with chopped almonds and cilantro.Serve with hot cooked rice,tacos,or chiliesRecipe and photo Source: 13Arroz con Gandules (para diez personas)Por Kim Rice with pigeon peas is the national meal of Puerto Rico. No holiday would be complete without a serving of rice with pigeon peas. There are many variations of how to make this delicious rice. It all depends on the taste of the cook. Arroz con gandules es la comida nacional de Puerto Rico. Ningún día de fiesta es completo sin un arroz con gandules. Hay muchas variaciones como cocinar este delicioso arroz. Todo depende en el gusto del cocinero.Ingredientes● Un cucharón de aceite de cocinar ● Una lata de salsa de tomate ● Un cucharón de sofrito● Un sobre de sazón con achiote● Sal a gusto ● Una hoja de laurel (opcional)● 5 tazas de arroz (grano mediano cocina mejor)● Una lata de gandules verdes● Alcaparrado a gusto Ingredients● 1 ladle of cooking oil● 1 can of tomato sauce● 1 ladle of sofrito● 1 envelope of sazon with achiote● Salt to taste● 1 bay leaf (optional)● 5 cups of rice (medium grain rice cooks better)● 1 can of green pigeon peas ● Capers to taste Steps ● In an aluminum rice pan, on high heat, combine oil and sofrito. ● When ingredients start to bubble, add tomato sauce and capers. ● Add salt and bay leaf and allow to simmer.● In a separate bowl, lightly wash and drain five cups of white rice with cold water until water runs clear.14● Add pigeon peas to the aluminum pot with juices from can. ● When contents start to boil, add rice and stir until saturated with mixture. ● Add cold water until approximately one inch of water is visible over the rice. Do not overwater. A helpful tip: If you have enough water, a teaspoon should be able to stand on its own when placed in the middle of the pot.● Boil contents uncovered until water is half-evaporated. ● Stir rice being careful to surface the rice on the bottom of the pot. ● Lower heat to the “low” setting and cover with lid allowing a small opening on the side of the lid. ● Stir rice carefully surfacing the rice from the bottom of the pot every five minutes and be sure to not scrape the bottom of the pot. (The rice on the bottom of the pot will harden and can be served separately as “pigao”) ● When all of the rice is an even orange color and grains do not appear to be white, the rice will be done.Source for picture- sources- Family Recipe 15Pernil al Horno (Roast Pork Shoulder)Por Mike Pernil al horno originated in Puerto Rico. It is mainly made on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, but it also can be cooked for other occasions. A similar recipe from Cuba is Cuban roast pork.Pernil al horno es de Puerto Rico. La gente cocina en especial ocasión como el Día de Acción de Gracias y la Navidad. Una receta similar de cuba es cerdo asado cubano.Ingredients (English):7-10 pound pork shoulder12 large garlic clovessalt to tasteadobo to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil Ingredientes (Español):7-10 libra pernil12 grande ajo dientesal de su sabor adobo de su sabor 1 cuchara aceite de oliva Steps:1. Crush garlic using a pilón and mix with dry ingredients.2. Add olive oil and mash so it makes a paste.3. Cut deep holes into the meat on all sides.4. Place seasoning in the holes and all around the meat.5. Allow meat to marinate for 24 hours in a refrigerator.6. Cook pork shoulder in oven at 350 degrees for 3-4 hours.7. Cut and serveRecipe Source - Family RecipePhoto Source - 16Fajitas (Fajitas)Por Justina Ingredients ○ 4 tablespoons canola oil○ 2 tablespoons lemon juice○ 1 ½ teaspoons salt○ 1 ½ teaspoons dried oregano○ 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin○ 1 teaspoon garlic powder○ ½ teaspoon chili powder ○ ½ teaspoon paprika○ ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional)○ 1 ½ lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts (cut into strips)○ ½ medium sweet red pepper, julienned○ ½ mediumgreen pepper, julienned○ 4 green onions, sliced thinly○ ½ cup chopped onions○ 6 flour tortillas, warmed Ingredientes○ 4 cucharada aceite de colza○ 2 cucharada jugo de limón○ 1 ½ cucharadita sal ○ 1 ½ cucharadita oregano deshidratada○ 1 ½ cucharadita comino molido○ 1 cucharadita polvo de ajo○ ½ cucharadita polvo de chile○ ½ cucharadita paprika ○ ½ cucharadita machacar pimiento rojo hojuela (opcional)○ 1 ½ libras filete de pechuga sin espinas y sin piel (cortar)○ ½ mediano dulce pimiento rojo, en juliana○ ½ mediano pimiento verde, en juliana○ 4 cebolla verde, cortar en lonchas finas○ ½ taza picada cebolla ○ 6 tortillas harina, tibiaRecipe Directions● In a large resealable plastic bag, combine 2 tablespoons oil, lemon juice and seasonings; add chicken. Seal and turn to coat; refrigerate for 1 to 4 hours.● In a large skillet, saute peppers and onions in remaining oil until crisp - tender. Remove and keep warm.● Discard marinade. In the same skillet, cook chicken over medium - high heat for 5 to 6 minutes or until no longer pink. Return pepper mixture to pan; heat through.● Spoon filling down the center of tortillas; fold in half. Enjoy! 17Background● They originated in Texas and Mexico in about the 1930’s.● Fajitas are made as a main dish during dinner.● In northern Mexico, they have a dish called Arrachera, which is similar to Fajitas.Historia● Fajitas son de Texas y México en el 1930’s.● Fajitas están hecho como un plato plato durante cena.● En norteño México, ellos tienen un plato que se llama Arrachera que es similar a fajitas.SourcesRecipe~ 18Rice and Beans // Arroz con FrijolesPor Caitlin BackgroundRice and beans is a very common meal among spanish cultures. It is enjoyed by many people, including Royalty. There are many variations to this recipe, once again, this is a Nieves family recipe.El arroz y frijoles es una comida muy común entre las culturas españolas. Muchas personas comen arroz y frijoles, incluyendo los reyes. Hay muchas variaciones de esta receta, otra vez, esta es una receta familiar Nieves.Ingredients Ingredientes 4½ cups of rice 4 1/2 taza de arroz⅓ cup of canola oil ⅓ taza de aceite de colza3 tablespoons of sofrito 3 cucharas de sofrito¼ cup tomato sauce ¼ taza de salsa de tomate 2 packets sazon Goya 2 paquete sazon Goya1 can of beans with water 1 bote de frijoles Directions1. Wash rice.2. Heat up oil, when heated add tomato sauce and sofrito.3. when it comes to a boil, add the can of beans.4. Add rice.5. Heat on high heat until all liquid evaporates.6.Put on low heat until cooked, mixing a couple of times.SourcesPicture- Family Recipe 19FUGAZZA (Argentina pizza)Por Connor Fugazza makes a great appetizer or main dish. You can add other toppings of your choice. The word fugazza is an Argentinian derivation of the word focaccia thanks to the significant Italian influence on Argentinian cuisine. But like its name, fugazza is a uniquely Argentinian dish. Fugazza is a kind of pizza, though it lacks a tomato-based sauce and has a thicker, airy crust.Fugazza es similar a pizza americana. Fugazza es de Argentina. La gente come fugazza para la cena. INGREDIENTES:● 2⅔ harina tazas de pan● 5 cucharadas de aceite de oliva● 2 cucharaditas sel kosher● 2 cucharaditas de polvo de hornear● 1 cucharadita de azúcar● 1 taza de agua tibia● 1 cebolla blanca grande● orégano 2-3 cucharadas de perejil seco● parmesano rallado● Queso mozzarella en rodajas finas (opcional)INGREDIENTS:● 2 2/3 cups bread flour● 5 tablespoons olive oil● 2 teaspoons kosher salt● 2 teaspoons yeast● 1 teaspoon sugar● 1 cup warm water● 1 large white onion● 2-3 teaspoons dried oregano● Grated Parmesan cheese● Thin slices of mozzarella cheese (optional)DIRECTIONS:● Place the warm water in a small bowl. Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar in the water and sprinkle the yeast over the water. Set aside for 5-10 minutes until mixture is bubbly. ● Place the flour, olive oil and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix briefly with the dough hook. Add the yeast mixture / water and start kneading. The mixture should come together as a smooth, elastic dough away from the sides of the bowl. Add a little more flour if the mixture is too wet, and add a little 20more water if the mixture seems dry or brittle. Knead for 5-10 minutes, until a smooth dough and soft.● Oil a bowl with olive oil and place the dough in the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let dough rise until it is twice the size. ● While the dough is rising, peel and cut the onion into very fine strips in a bowl of cold salted water and let stand for 30 minutes. Drain the onions and dried with napkins. ● Once risen, push down the dough and form a smooth ball. Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil on a pizza pan 14 inches with 1 inch sides. Place the dough ball in the middle of the pan and flatten gently. Let the dough sit for 10 minutes. ● Continue to flatten the dough into the pan, crushing and pushing the sides of the pot, let it relax in between, until the dough covers the bottom of the pan. ● Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Sprinkle onion on top of the dough. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil over the onions and sprinkle with dried oregano. ● Fugazza Place in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes or until edges begin to brown. If desired, remove the fugazza oven and top with thin slices of mozzarella cheese and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Return to oven and bake until the fugazza is crisp and golden at the edges. Brown onions under the broiler for the last 3 minutes of cooking, if desired. ● Remove from oven and cut into slices serve.Recipe Source Source 21Gazpacho (tomato soup)Por Andy Description (English)Gazpacho is a tomato-based vegetable soup, usually served cold, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is very popular in Portugal, where it is known as gaspacho. Gazpacho is usually eaten during the summer, because it is served cold.Description (Spanish)Gazpacho es una sopa fría de tomates. Es de el territorio sureño español de Andalusia. Gazpacho es muy popular en Portugal, adonde se llama “gaspacho”. Gazpacho es popular durante el verano, porque es frío.Ingredients (English)6 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped1 purple onion, finely chopped1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped1 sweet red bell pepper, seeded and chopped2 stalks celery, chopped1-2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley2 Tbsp chopped fresh chives1 clove garlic, minced¼ cup red wine vinegar¼ cup olive oil2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice2 teaspoons sugarsalt and fresh ground pepper to taste6 or more drops of Tabasco sauce to taste1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce4 cups tomato juiceIngredients (Spanish)6 maduro tomates1 cebolla purpura1 pepino1 pimienta roja2 tallo apio221-2 cucharada perejil2 cucharada cebolletas1 diente de ajo¼ taza vinagre de vino rojo¼ taza aceite de oliva2 cucharada zumo de limón2 cucharadita azucar6 gota salsa de Tabasco1 cucharadita salsa de Worcestershire4 tazas zumo de tomateDirections1. Combine all ingredients. Blend slightly, to desired consistency. 2. Place in non-metal, non-reactive storage container, cover tightly and refrigerateovernight, allowing flavors to blend.Recipe Source - Source - 23Arroz con Pollo (Chicken with Rice)Por Juaquín Arroz con Pollo actually started off as a peasant dish. It is a traditional dish in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is traditionally made with tomatoes, green peppers, and saffron. Arroz con Pollo is also very healthy.Arroz con Pollo en realidad empezar sin igual a campesino plate. Es una comida tradicional en el mundo hispanohablante. El gente cocinar con tomates, verde pimienta, y azafrán. Arroz con Pollo es también muy sano.Ingredients: Servings: 4 3 pounds of chicken2 1/2 cups of waterDry white wine 1/2 cupSalt 3/4 teaspoonBay leaf 1 medium sizedOlive oil 4 tablespoonsLong-grain white rice 1 1/2 cupsChopped white onions 3/4 cupDiced Italian sweet pepper 1/2 cupMinced garlic 1 tablespoonDiced tomatoes 1/2 cupLemon juice 1 tablespoonCrushed saffron 1/2 teaspoonChopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoonsIngredientes: ración 43 libras de pollo2 ½ taza de aguaseco blanco vino ½ tazasal ¾ cucharaditahojita de laurel 1 bastante grandeaceite de oliva 4 cucharada24de grano largo blanco arroz 1 ½ tazapicada blanco cebolla 3/4 tazadados italiano dulce pimienta ½ tazapicada ajo 1 cucharadatomate picado ½ tazalimón jugo 1 cucharadamachucar azafrán ½ cucharaditapicada fresco perejil 2 cucharadaDirections:1. Bring water and wine to a boil in a 3 or 4 liter saucepan2. Add salt, bay leaf, and chicken drumsticks to the liquid. Bring to a simmer and then put a lid on it for 3 minutes.3. After 5 minutes turn the chicken around.4. Take the chicken out and dry it with paper towels. Keep stock over low heat.5. Heat the oil in a shallow casserole measuring at least 12 inches in diameter.6. Brown the chicken pieces on all sides in the hot oil over moderate heat.7. Put chicken into warm bowl and cover.8. Add the rice to the casserole. Sauté it for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.9. Reduce the heat to low to moderate. Add the onions and sauté them for 2 minutes. Add the pepper and the garlic and sauté for 1 minute. Stir constantly.10. Add the tomatoes and lemon juice. Stir the mixture.11. Strain the reserved chicken stock and add 2 cups of it to the casserole.12. Add the saffron. Stir the mixture for 1 minute.13. Arrange the chicken pieces on top of the rice. Bring the liquid to a simmer. Cover the pot and gently simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until the rice has absorbed all the liquid.14. Let the pot set off heat for 5 minutes.15. Sprinkle the Arroz Con Pollo with the parsley. Serve it at the table from the casserole.Recipe- 25Paella Por Tyler BackgroundPaella mainly originated in Valencia, Spain. A special part of Paella is the pan it is cooked in they call it the Special Pan. Paella is a very plentiful dish in Spain. HistoriaPaella es de Valencia, España. La gente usa una “Paella” para cocinar paella. Paella es muy popular en España. Ingredients● 2 tablespoons olive oil● 1 tablespoon paprika● 2 teaspoons dried oregano● 2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2 inch pieces● 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided● 3 cloves garlic, crushed● 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes● 2 cups uncooked short-grain white rice● 1 pinch saffron threads● 1 bay leaf● 1/2 bunch Italian flat leaf parsley, chopped● 1 quart chicken stock● 2 lemons, zested● 2 tablespoons olive oil● 1 Spanish onion, chopped● 1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped● 1 pound chorizo sausage, casings removed and crumbled● 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveinedIngredientes Españoles● 2 cucharadas aceite de oliva ● 1 cucharada paprika ● 2 cucharaditas seco orégano ● 2 pechugas de pollo (sin piel)● 2 cucharadas aceite de oliva ● 3 dientes ajo ● 1 cucharadita pimiento rojo hojuela ● 2 tazas crudo arroz blanco ● 1 azafrán ● 1 laurel hoja ● 1/2 racimo laurel perejil de Italiano ● 1 cuarto de galón caldo pollo● 2 límos● 2 cucharadas aceite de oliva ● 1 cebolla español● 1 pimiento rojo ● 1 libra chorizo ● 1 libra mariscos 26Directions 1. In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons olive oil, paprika, oregano, and salt and pepper. Stir in chicken pieces to coat. Cover, and refrigerate.2. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, red pepper flakes, and rice. Cook, stirring, to coat rice with oil, about 3 minutes. Stir in saffron threads, bay leaf, parsley, chicken stock, and lemon zest. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer 20 minutes.3. Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a separate skillet over medium heat. Stir in marinated chicken and onion; cook 5 minutes. Stir in bell pepper and sausage; cook 5 minutes. Stir in shrimp; cook, turning the shrimp, until both sides are pink.4. Spread rice mixture onto a serving tray. Top with meat and seafood mixture. 27PastelesPor Aleah ❖ Ingredients/Ingredientes➢ Paste/Masa■ 6 Plantains/ Plátanos■ 6 Green Bananas/ Bananas Verdes■ 1 c Pumpkin/ Calabaza■ 1 c Potatoes/ Papas■ 1 c Yautía■ Achiote oil■ 1 tbs Reciato➢ Stuffing/Relleno■ 2 lb Pork/ Cerdo■ 2 Small Bell Peppers/ Pimientos Pequeños■ 2 tbs Reciato■ 1 tbs Adobo■ 4 Cloves Garlic/ Dientes de Ajo■ 3 tbs Olives/ Aceitunas■ 1 tbs Cilantro❖ Things You’ll Need➢ 20 sheets of parchment paper➢ 20 pieces of kitchen string (or regular string)❖ Instructions/Instrucciónes➢ To Make Stuffing■ Brown the pork pieces in a pan. Add the rest of the stuffing ingredients. Cook until the pork is no longer pink inside. Set aside and let cool.➢ To Make Masa■ In a pot boil plantains until they start to turn brown. Peel plantains, green bananas, yautía, pumpkin, and potatoes. Then mash all ingredients in a large bowl. ➢ To Wrap■ Spread a little achiote oil on a piece of parchment paper. Spread a layer of masa, then add stuffing. Fold parchment paper in half and push contents to middle. Fold edge down 2 times at least one inch down. Fold sides inward and tie with string. ➢ To Cook■ Place a large pot of salted water to boil. Place all pasteles in the water once it comes to a boil. Cook for 1 hour then remove from water. Let cool for 5 minutes. When ready to eat cut string, open it, and enjoy. Don’t eat parchment paper. ❖ Background/ Historia➢ Traditional dish in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean coast of Colombia, and Panama.➢ Comida tradicional en Puerto Rico, la República Dominicana, Trinidad y 28Tobago, la costa caribeña de Colombia, y Panamá.➢ Similar to a tamale.➢ Es similar a un tamale.➢ Traditionally served at christmas time in Puerto Rico.➢ Tradicionalmente, comen durante la Navidad en Puerto Rico.❖ Pasteles-❖ Family recipe 29Quesadillas//Tortilla & CheesePor: Nicolle Background InformationQuesadillas originated in colonial mexico and the label is sprung from tortilla and the Spanish word for cheese queso. Quesadilla is made with a tortilla and is filled mainly with cheese; other ingredients, pork, ham, avocado, or other vegetables may be added. This is mainly made on a daily basis, no need for special occasions. Sometimes salsa is added.Quesadillas son de México en la época colonial. Algunas variaciones tostadas o incluso freír la quesadilla. La gente cocina las quesadillas diariamente. No necesita ocasiones especiales.A veces se añade la salsa.English Ingredients ● 1 large flour tortilla● 1 handful of grated cheese ● Olive oil ½ teaspoonIngredientes Españoles● 1 tortilla de harina grande● 1 puñado de queso rallada (cualquier prefieres)● ½ cucharadita aceite de olivaInstructions1 Heat a large frying pan to medium high heat. Add a small amount of oil and spread it around the bottom of the pan with a spatula (you could use butter as well). Take one large flour tortilla and place it in the pan. Flip the tortilla over a few times, 10 seconds between flips. Air pockets should begin to form within the tortilla. 2 When pockets of air begin to form, take a handful of grated cheese, sprinkle over the top of the tortilla, making sure that the cheese does not land on the pan itself. Add whatever additional ingredients you choose. If you would like your quesadilla to be a chicken quesadilla, add some diced cooked chicken. 3 Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. The pan should be hot enough by now to have plenty of heat to melt the cheese and brown the tortilla. If the quesadilla begins to smoke too much, remove from the heat. After a minute, check to see if the cheese is melted. If not, return the cover and keep checking every minute until the cheese is melted. When the cheese is sufficiently melted, use a spatula to lift up one side of the quesadilla and flip over the other side. The tortilla should by now be browned slightly. If it is not browned, turn the heat up to high and flip the quesadilla over every 10 seconds or so until it gets browned. Remove from pan and cut into wedges.Picture: Recipe: de Pollo / Chicken EnchiladasPor: Greg Enchiladas originated in Mexico. Enchiladas is one of the most common and widely recognized Mexican dishes. There are many different recipes of enchiladas all over the world. Enchiladas son de México. Enchiladas son populares en los Estados Unidos. Hay muchas variaciones de enchiladas en el mundo. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons vegetable oil1 1/2 pounds skinless boneless chicken breastSalt and pepper2 teaspoons cumin powder2 teaspoons garlic powder1 teaspoon Mexican Spice Blend1 red onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, minced1 cup frozen corn, thawed5 canned whole green chiles, seeded and coarsely chopped4 canned chipotle chiles, seeded and minced1 (28-ounce) can stewed tomatoes1/2 teaspoon all-purpose flour16 corn tortillas1 ½ cups enchilada sauce, canned1 cup shredded Cheddar and Jack cheesesGarnish: chopped cilantro leaves, chopped scallions, sour cream, chopped tomatoes Ingredientes: 3 cucharada aceite vegetal 311 ½ libras pollo sin piel sin espinas sal y pimienta 2 cucharadita comino en polvo 2 cucharadita ajo en polvo 1 cucharadita Mexican Spice Blend1 cebolla roja, molida2 diente de ajo, picado1 taza maíz helado5 latas chiles enteros4 latas chipotles1 ( 28 onzas) lata tomates cocidos½ cucharadita harina de trigo 16 maíz tortillas 1 ½ tazas salsa de enchilada 1 taza tira quesosAderezo: molida cilantro hojas, molida cebolleta, crema rancia, molida tomatesSteps:1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).2. In a medium, non-stick skillet over medium heat, cook chicken until no longer pink and juices run clear. Drain excess fat. Cube the chicken and return it to the skillet. Add the onion, sour cream, Cheddar cheese, parsley, oregano and ground black pepper. Heat until cheese melts. Stir in salt, tomato sauce, water, chili powder, green pepper and garlic.3. Roll even amounts of the mixture in the tortillas. Arrange in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Cover with taco sauce and 3/4 cup Cheddar cheese. Bake uncovered in the preheated oven 20 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before serving.Picture source: source: 32TamalesPor Leon Tamales originated around Mesoamerica which was 8,000 to 5,000 b.c. The creators were the Aztecs and the Mayans. Now it is a dish used in the whole western hemisphere.Tamales son de mesoamérica en los siglos 6 a 9 a.C. Los creadores son los Aztecas y los Mayas. Tamales son una comida popular en la hemisferio occidental.Ingredients ● 4 pounds boneless chuck roast● 4 cloves garlic● 3 (8 ounce) packages dried corn husks● 4 dried ancho chiles● 2 tablespoons vegetable oil● 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour● 1 cup beef broth● 1 teaspoon cumin seeds● 1 teaspoon ground cumin● 2 cloves garlic, minced● 2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano● 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes● 1 teaspoon white vinegar● salt to taste● 3 cups lard● 1 tablespoon salt● 9 cups masa harina Ingredientes● 4 libra carne● 4 dientes de ajo● 3 (8 onza) paquete hojas de maíz● 4 chiles ancho, seco● 2 cucharada aceite de vegetales● 2 cucharada harina de trigo● 1 taza caldo de carne● 1 cucharadita comino● 1 cucharadita semillas de comino● 2 dientes de ajo picar● 2 cucharadita orégano● 1 cucharadita pimienta roja ● 1 cucharadita vinagre blanco● sal● 3 taza lardo● 1 cucharada sal● 9 tazas de masa harina33Directions1. Place beef and garlic in a large pot. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as water boils, reduce heat to a simmer and cover pot. Let simmer for 3 1/2 hours, until beef is tender and shreds easily. When beef is done, remove from pot, reserving 5 cups cooking liquid and discarding garlic. Allow meat to cool slightly, and shred finely with forks.2. Meanwhile, place corn husks in a large container and cover with warm water. Allow to soak for 3 hours, until soft and pliable. May need to weight down with an inverted plate and a heavy can.3. Toast ancho chiles in a cast iron skillet, making sure not to burn them. Allow to cool and then remove stems and seeds. Crumble and grind in a clean coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle.4. Heat oil in a large skillet. Mix in flour and allow to brown slightly. Pour in 1 cup beef broth and stir until smooth. Mix in ground chiles, cumin seeds, ground cumin, minced garlic, oregano, red pepper flakes, vinegar and salt. Stir shredded beef into skillet and cover. Let simmer 45 minutes.5. Place lard and salt in a large mixing bowl. Whip with an electric mixer on high speed until fluffy. Add masa harina and beat at low speed until well mixed. Pour in reserved cooking liquid a little at a time until mixture is the consistency of soft cookie dough.6. Drain water from corn husks. One at a time, flatten out each husk, with the narrow end facing you, and spread approximately 2 tablespoons masa mixture onto the top 2/3 of the husk. Spread about 1 tablespoon of meat mixture down the middle of the masa. Roll up the corn husk starting at one of the long sides. Fold the narrow end of the husk onto the rolled tamale and tie with a piece of butchers' twine.7. Place tamales in a steamer basket. Steam over boiling water for approximately one hour, until masa is firm and holds its shape. Make sure steamer does not run out of water. Serve immediately, allowing each person to unwrap their own tamales. Allow any leftovers (still in husks) to cool, uncovered, in the refrigerator.Recipe Source - Source - 34TostadaPor LelaIngredientes2 cucharadas aceite vegetal 1/2 cebolla roja pequeña, picada 2 dientes de ajo, picados 3/4 libra de carne molidasal, Kosher 2 cucharadas pastade tomate 1 cucharada chile en polvo 1 15 oz lata frijoles refritos 1/3 taza crema agria 8 tostadas de maíz (plano, disco duro taco shells) 1/2 taza queso Monterrey jack rallado lechuga picada, salsa picanteIngredients2 tablespoons vegetable oil1/2 small red onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, minced3/4 pound ground beefKosher salt2 tablespoons tomato paste1 tablespoon chili powder1 15 -ounce can refried beans1/3 cup sour cream8 corn tostadas (flat, hard taco shells)1 1/2 cups shredded monterey jack cheeseShredded lettuce, hot sauce and/or cilantro, for toppingDescription:Tostada is a fried mexican tortilla that is made in most spanish countries. In Central America, tostadas are often prepared with black beans, parsley, ground beef and curtido. They can also be an appetizer, cut into small triangles to dip into salsa, guacamole, or beans.Historia:Tostada es una tortilla mexicana frita, hecho en muchos países españoles. En América Central, cocina tostadas con frijoles negros, perejil, carne, y curtido. Tostada también puede ser una merienda, cortado en triángulos pequeños con salsa, guacamole, o frijoles.Sources:Image:` LOS POSTRES CON LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL UNO! 36Arroz con leche (Rice Pudding)Por: LeonRice Pudding originated in Spain. It is used as a dessert or part of dinner. Many spanish speaking countries in the world have this dish in their meals.Arroz con leche es de España. Come para un postre o con la cena. Muchos países hispanohablantes en el mundo comen arroz con leche.Ingredients● 2 ¼ cups water● 1 ½ cups short grain rice● 1 (¼ inch x 3 inch) strip lime peel● ½ cup water● 1 cinnamon stick● 2 tablespoons anise seed, crushed● 1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk● 1 (14 ounce) can condensed milk ● 1 tablespoon vanilla extract● ¼ teaspoon salt● ¾ cup raisins (optional) Ingredientes● 2 ¼ taza de agua● 1 ½ taza de arroz● 1 (¼ pulgada x 3 pulgada) tira corteza de lîmon● ½ taza de agua ● 1 rama de canela● 2 cucharada anís en polvo ● 1 (12 onza fluida) bote de leche evaporada● 1 ( 14 onza fluida) bote de leche condensada● 1 cucharada extracto de vainilla● ¼ cucharadita sal● ¾ taza de pasa (opcional)Directions1. Combine 2 1/4 cups of water, rice, and lime peel in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes until the rice is tender.2. While the rice is cooking, combine 1/2 cup of water, the cinnamon stick, and anise in another saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring mixture to a low boil for 3 minutes, then remove saucepan from stove. Strain flavored water into a bowl and set aside, discarding cinnamon stick and anise pieces.3. After rice has simmered for 20 minutes, carefully remove the lime peel with a slotted spoon, and over low heat, gradually stir evaporated milk and condensed milk into the rice. Mix in the cinnamon and anise-flavored water, vanilla, and salt. 37Add raisins, if desired. Continue to stir until the mixture thickens, about 7 to 10 minutes.4. If the pudding is too watery after 10 minutes, turn up heat to medium-low and stir continuously. When pudding reaches desired consistency, remove from heat and pour into individual dishes, or a large bowl. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.Recipe Source - Source - 38Buñuelos (Fried Dough Balls) Por Tyler History:Buñuelos came to the Americas from the Spanish Explorers who brought them here. They were first introduced by the ancient Arabs who did trading with the Spanish. Eventually the Spanish adopted it and now it is a favored dessert in Spain. Also this brought doughnuts, cream puffs, waffles, and funnel cake. HistoriaBuñuelos son de España. Buñuelos son un postre favorito en España. Buñuelos son similares a churros y gofres. Ingredients4 cups flour1 tsp.baking powder1 tsp.salt1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs1 cup milk 4 Tbl.(1/2 stick) unsalted butter for frying cinnamon-sugar mixIngredientes 4 tazas harina 1 cucharadita polvo de hornear 1 cucharadita sal ½ taza azúcar 2 huevos 1 taza leche 4 cucharadas sin sal mantequillacanela-azúcar batir 39Directions 1. In large bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. 2. In smaller bowl, beat eggs and milk. 3. Add this gradually, beating, to flour mixture. 4. Add a half a stick melted butter, beat. 5. Place dough on floured surface and knead till silky and elastic. 6. Roll into balls or ropes, and flatten with the palm of your hand. 7. Fry in hot oil, (370º), till golden. 8. Drain on paper towels. 9. Roll and toss in cinnamon/sugar mix.Recipe Source - Source- 40Dulce De Leche//Caramel PuddingPor: NicolleBackground InformationThis delicious dessert is most popular in Latin America and Argentina. This dessert is mainly made on a special occasion/holiday just to enjoy it with others. Some other similar recipes are...● Chocolate Dulce de Leche Empanadas – These chocolate dulce de leche empanadas are made with a homemade chocolate empanada dough and are filled with creamy dulce de leche.● Milk Fudge Squares – These dulce de leche fudge squares are very easy to make and delicious, and they require only three ingredients.Este postre delicioso es popular en América Latina y Argentina. La gente cocina dulce de leche para las fiestas y familia. Algunas recetas similares son empanadas de chocolate y dulce de leche y tipos de “fudge”.Ingredients● 8 cups of whole milk● 2 to 2 ½ cups of sugar, based on preference● 1 teaspoon vanilla● ¼ teaspoon baking sodaIngredientes Españoles● 8 tazas de leche● 2 de 2 ½ tazas de azucar● 1 cucharadita vainilla● ¼ cucharita bicarbonatoInstructions1. Combine all the ingredients in large pot over medium low heat, stir until the sugar or panela is well dissolved. Reduce the heat to low.2. Continue cooking until the mixture is significantly reduced and starts to thicken while the color changes from a creamy beige to a caramel tone – it will take between 2 ½ hours to 3 hours for the dulce de leche to be done.3. During the first 1 ½ hours you will need to stir occasionally to prevent it from boiling over and sticking. During the last hour it needs to be stirred more frequently and has to be watched very closely to keep it from burning – you can also decrease the heat to low. Cook it until it has a dark amber or caramel tone and has a creamy consistency. Keep in mind that it will thicken more when it cools down.4. Can be served warm or cold and must be kept refrigerated.Picture URL: Dulce de Leche | For 91 Days in Buenos AiresSource of Recipe: de Leche Pionono (Cinnamon Rolls)Por Andy Description (English) Dulce de leche is a South American food, notably in Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Colombia. The English translation of dulce de leche is “candy of milk” or “candy made from milk”. In English we know this food as cinnamon rolls.Historia (Español)Dulce de leche es una comida de américa del sur. Los países son Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay,Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, y Colombia. Ingredients (English) 4 eggs, separated ¾ cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla½ teaspoon almond extract½ cup flour¼ cup almond flour (optional)½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon baking powder1 cup heavy whipping cream2 tablespoons sugar¾ cup dulce de lecheConfectioners sugar1 recipe caramel frosting (optional)Ingredientes (Español)4 huevos¾ taza azucar1 cucharadita vanilla½ cucharadita almendra extraer½ taza harina¼ taza almendra harina (opcional)½ cucharadita sal1 cucharadita de polvo de hornear1 taza crema de batir2 cucharada azucar¾ cup dulce de lecheazucar confitero1 receta caramelo glaseado (opcional)42Directions1. Line a 11" x 17" jelly roll pan with wax paper. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Sift the flour with the salt, almond meal, and baking powder, and set aside. 3. Place the egg whites in a (very clean) bowl of a standing mixer and beat until soft peaks form.4. Add 1/4 cup of the sugar and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. Transfer beaten egg whites to a clean bowl. 5. Add the egg yolks with the remaining 1/2 cup sugar to the mixing bowl, and beat until pale yellow and tripled in volume, about 5 minutes. Add the vanilla and mix well. 6. Fold the dry ingredients gently into the egg yolk mixture until just blended, then carefully fold in the egg whites. Spread batter evenly into the prepared jelly roll pan. 7. Bake cake until it is golden and just starts to spring back to your touch, about 8-10 minutes. Do not overbake, or it will be difficult to roll. 8. Loosen the edges of the cake by running a knife around them, then turn cake out onto a dish cloth that has been dusted with confectioners sugar. Peel off the wax paper, and dust top of the cake with more confectioners sugar. 9. Roll cake up carefully in the dish towel and let it cool in the rolled-up position.10. Place cold whipping cream in a large bowl and beat until medium-firm peaks form. Whisk in 2 tablespoons sugar and a touch of vanilla if desired. Whisk 1/4 cup of the whipped cream into the dulce de leche to lighten it, then fold dulce de leche mixture back into the rest of the whipped cream. 11. Unroll cake and spread whipped cream/dulce de leche mixture over the cake. Reroll cake, wrap with the dish cloth or saran wrap, and chill for 1-2 hours or overnight. 12. Once the cake is thoroughly chilled, place it on a cutting board, unwrapped. Prepare caramel glaze according to the recipe, using only 3 cups confectioners sugar. While the icing is still warm, pour it over the cake, letting it run down the sides until covered. Remove excess icing from bottom of cake and let set. Slice off ends of cake to neaten the edges (extra treat for the chef!) 13. Chill cake until ready to serve.Ingredients, directions, and descriptions- Source- 43Horchata (milkshake)Por Juaquín Horchata is often called the drink of the gods. Another interesting fact about horchata is that it may go back until the ancient egyptians. It is traditionally a mexican beverage made with rice.Se dice que horchata es “la bebida de los dioses”. Horchata es de los egiptos antiguos. Es una bebida mexicana hecho con arroz. Ingredients:6 cups almond milk, vanilla flavor1 cup basmati rice1/2 cup sugar1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamonIngredientes:6 tazas leche almendra, sabor de vainilla1 taza arroz basmati1/2 taza azúcar½ cucharadita canela en polvoDirections:1. Pour almond milk into a large bowl. If you only have plain almond milk, add a 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract.2. Grind the basmati rice in a spice or coffee grinder until it is very fine and sand-like in consistency. 3. Stir rice, sugar and cinnamon into the almond milk, cover and let stand overnight, or for about 10 hours. Additional sugar can be added to taste, if necessary.4. Place a layer of cheesecloth over a strainer (or use a very, very fine strainer if you have one) and strain milk mixture into a large pitcher. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until well-chilled, before serving.5. If storing the horchata, it may separate a bit, so give it a stir before pouring it into a glass.Serves 4-6Soak overnight, then refrigerate until cold.Ingredients and Directions: de LechePor Kim This tasty dessert is from Puerto Rico and is enjoyed best when the weather is hot and you need to refresh yourself. At all hours of the day, you can eat this delicious treat. Made for years, there is little variation in this simple recipe. Small, medium or large; housewives have sold limber de leche from their car ports on the island for decades. And they’ve never been short of customers. Este postre rico es de Puerto Rico. Limber de leche es delicioso cuando el clima está caliente y necesita refrescarse. Hecho por años, hay poca variación en esta receta sencilla. Ingredientes● Una lata grande leche evaporada ● 2 tazas azúcar ● Una cucharada de vainilla● Canela (opcional)● Una yema de huevo● 2 cucharadas de azúcar Ingredients● 1 Large can of evaporated milk● 2 cups of sugar● 1 teaspoon of vanilla● Cinnamon (optional)● 1 egg yolk● 2 teaspoons of sugar Steps● In one bowl, mix the first set of ingredients (evaporated milk to cinnamon).● In a second bowl mix the second set of ingredients (egg yolk and sugar).● Mix contents of both bowls together and pour into plastic cups● Freeze and enjoy Source for picture- sources- Family Recipe 45Fried Sweet Plantains (plátanos maduros fritos)Por Lela Ingredientes:1/4 taza mantequilla1 cucharada aceite de oliva3 Plátanos maduros, peladas y cortadas diagonalmente en rebanadas de 1 pulgada Jugo de mitad de un limónSalIngredients:1/4 cup butter1 tablespoon olive oil3 ripe plantains, peeled and cut diagonally into 1 inch slicesJuice of Half a LemonsaltInstructions:1.) in a large skillet, melt the butter with the olive oil over medium heat; add the plantain slices and fry for about 4 minutes on each side, moving the slices with a spatula occasionally to prevent sticking.2.)Remove the plantains from the skillet with a slotted spoon and let drain on paper towels.3.)Transfer to a large, warm serving platter, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt and serve warm.Information:Plantains are a favorite snack in many Caribbean countries. Sometimes plantains are baked in an oven. Fried plantains are predominantly made in Spanish, Jamaican, and African countriesInformación:Los plátanos son una merienda favorita en muchos países caribeños. A veces los plátanos son horneados en un horno. Los plátanos fritos son principalmente hecho en países españoles, jamaicanos, y africanos. Source: Image: 46ChurrosPor Greg Churros developed centuries ago by Spanish shepherds. It is a traditional spanish dessert. Churros traveled to South America and other hispanic countries before they made their way to North America.Churros son de los pastores españoles. Churros son un postre tradicional español. Churros son populares en Norteamérica, pero son de América Central y Sudamérica.Ingredients:1 cup water2 ½ tablespoons white sugar½ teaspoon salt2 tablespoons vegetable oil1 cup all-purpose flour2 quarts oil for frying1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Ingredientes:1 taza agua 2 ½ cucharadas blanco azúcar½ cucharadita sal2 cucharadas verdura aceite 1 taza harina de trigo2 cuarto de galón aceite por freír 1 cucharadita canela en polvoSteps:1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine water, 2 1/2 tablespoons sugar, salt and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Stir in flour until mixture forms a ball.2. Heat oil for frying in deep-fryer or deep skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Pipe strips of dough into hot oil using a pastry bag. Fry until golden; drain on paper towels.3. Combine 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon. Roll drained churros in cinnamon and sugar mixture.Picture source:\⧵Recipe source:¡Disfrutar! ¡Fantástico! ¡Delicioso!48
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