The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - Chapter 5 - kako_chan - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

The moment Gojou Satoru appeared, Sukuna knew nothing good would come out of it. Earlier even, when his vessel decided to prepare a dish especially for the white-haired man. Brat should prioritize Sukuna and no one else. Then this idiotic Six Eyes just nonchalantly proposed to the oblivious boy, wishing to take his vessel as a wife. Over Sukuna's dead body! He wouldn't be able to stand those two getting all lovey-dovey right in front of his food! Food that the boy is supposed to cook for Sukuna only!

“What else would it be than a proposal, moron?!” He booms and clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Now decline!” Sukuna orders.

“Wait, wait, wait! Let me—let me process it at least!” Brat argues and takes shaky breath. “Gojou-sensei. Please explain?” He asks, his voice hitting a desperate tone.

Satoru stares at his student in thought, grinning lazily. He didn't expect Sukuna to take his casual suggestion so seriously. Also, Yuuji's reaction is a bit too entertaining to stop here. And if Satoru has to be honest, the boy being his wife doesn't sound so bad either. He grins wider.

“What’s to explain here?” He starts with a casual shrug and then pouts his lips. “I want Yuuji to cook for me~ And pamper me~ And…” Satoru stands up from his seat to lean towards the boy's ear on the opposite side of Sukuna. “Warm me up at night~” He lowers his voice to a whisper, then glances at his student to assess his reaction.

Two things happen then. Yuuji touches his ear, his eyes and mouth open wide, a slight blush appearing on his features. And Sukuna formulates a mouth on the other cheek to spit at Satoru with disdain, which he easily blocks with his limitless technique while grinning madly, amused. Oh, this is gold!

“Step away from my vessel, Gojou Satoru.” Sukuna drawls through his teeth in warning. “And you! Stop getting carried away, stupid Brat! Don't blush like a maiden!” He scolds the boy, irritated.

Yuuji gasps and blinks several times, trying to make any sense of it. Because what the hell?! How did it end up this way?

“Gojou-sensei. Are those your, um, true feelings? Do you like me this way ?” He can't help but wonder, looking up at his teacher in shock.

Sukuna cackles as if Yuuji just said something extremely funny. “Feelings?” He sneers and snorts sarcastically. “Are you aware what is going through that twisted mind right now, Brat? I bet he just wants to push you down, get you well prepared, and fu—”

“Sukuna, shut up!” Satoru butts in immediately, loud enough to drown out his further words with a strained smile. “Please don't give Yuuji any weird ideas.” He says with an edge to his voice and laughs forcefully.

The boy frowns with a confused expression, so Satoru breathes with relief. Thank gods that Yuuji is so innocent. It's not like Satoru wouldn't be able to imagine what Sukuna was talking about. Just… He shouldn't. His feelings, though…

“To answer your earlier question, Yuuji.” He taps the boy lightly on his chest to get his attention, and Yuuji instantly looks at him with focus. “Sensei really, really likes you~” Satoru confesses truthfully and smiles fondly. “So I wouldn't mind making you my wife!” He adds cheerfully, grinning, then tilts his head while fluttering his eyelashes with a pout. “Or am I not handsome enough, hm?”

“Oi.” Sukuna barks, but is ignored.

Yuuji gulps while staring deeply into his teacher's blue eyes. “Sensei isn't just handsome. He is beautiful. And I like Sensei a lot too.” He mumbles before he can stop himself, and Gojou-sensei smiles, clearly pleased with the answer.

“Hmmm~ Really?” The man asks in a low tone, grabbing Yuuji's chin gently to raise his head up slightly. “Well, I find Yuuji extremely cute.” He whispers seductively.

“Cu—cute?” He stutters weakly and gulps again.

What the hell is this atmosphere? The sudden tension between them? Yuuji is so lost, so mesmerized, that he can't look away from those dangerous eyes. Sensei leans towards him closer, glancing at his lips for a mere second, but it's enough. Yuuji's stomach erupts in sudden butterflies. Is he expecting something? Does he want his teacher to kiss him? He looks at Gojou-sensei's lips. Oh gods, even they are beautiful. So plump and alluring, in a slight pinkish color. His heart starts racing at the imagination of having them on him. What the heck is happening?!

“Stop! Both of you stop! In this instant!” Sukuna demands in a loud yell, emitting ill intent and startling Yuuji out of his thoughts with a gasp while Gojou-sensei steps back with a grimace.

“Sukuna, you meanie! You ruined the moment!” Satoru whines, dissatisfied. “And I was doing so well!” He huffs in annoyance.

“Too well.” Sukuna mutters. “You are not allowed to be in close proximity with my vessel from now on, Six Eyes.” He decides in a grumble.

Otherwise, Brat is going to die of a heart attack, surely. Flirting aside, Sukuna won't stand all of those body sensations and emotions. Spare him.

“And who are you to forbid me, Sukuna?” Satoru raises one of his eyebrows challengingly. “You don't have any say in Yuuji's life. If anything, I possess more control in such.” He smirks.

Too bad they were interrupted. Honestly, Satoru didn't anticipate taking it so far, but Yuuji really was just so, so cute , staring at his lips while subconsciously wetting his own. His student's thoughts were clear as day. He chuckles, endeared.

“Um, Sensei.” The boy tugs at his uniform shyly.

“I'm listening, Yuuji~” He assures him with an encouraging smile.

Yuuji bites his lower lip while looking down with a frown, then takes a deep breath and glances up at him with determination.

“I will properly respond to your proposal, Gojou-sensei. Just give me more time, please?” He asks bashfully, his face pure and open.

Satoru stares at the boy in disbelief. Is this for real? He literally blurted out the proposal without any reflection, but Yuuji is willing to think it through? The vision of their life together tempts him again, his imagination going wild. And now with Sukuna's input about pining Yuuji down…

“You can't be serious, Brat!” Sukuna seems to be the only logical person here, apparently. “If you want to ponder so badly, then at least think of your ass.” He comments with a scoff.

“What my ass has to do with this?” His vessel asks, his tone baffled, and Sukuna groans in frustration.

Just why is this boy so oblivious?!

“Aren't you a bit hardcore here, Sukuna?” The vulture asks with an amused chuckle.

This audacious sorcerer!

He snaps. “I can FEEL those FILTHY EYES looking at MY VESSEL with DESIRE even in MY DOMAIN !” Sukuna yells with emphasis, enraged.

Satoru’s smile drops for a second, the vein on his temple pulsing in fury. Filthy eyes? Filthy eyes?!

“Are you talking about my Six Eyes right now? The Six Eyes that have been a treasure of my family for ages? Because they sure are NOT filthy, you old geezer!” Satoru hisses with a dangerous grin.

Oh no. This is bad. Yuuji looks around, trying to figure out what to do.

“Who are you calling an old geezer, you insolent brat?! Your great family hasn't taught you even basic manners?!”

His eyes rest on the left matcha swiss roll, half of the portion forgotten on Sensei’s plate.

“Ha! I don't want to hear it from someone who doesn't have an ounce of respect towards literally anyone around!”

Yuuji moves instantly.

“If there would be a reason, then I—” In the next moment, Sukuna tastes something slightly sweet with a fresh tea flavor, so he stops talking, flabbergasted. “Brat.” He says accusingly, but swallows, actually enjoying the cake.

He wouldn't reach for it since sweets aren't his favorite, yet it isn't too sugary, so he approves of it. He gets another bite.

“Nooo, my caaake!” Satoru whines, his hands flailing uselessly to Yuuji's cheek. He looks at the boy with dejected pout. “How could you, Yuuji?” He mumbles in betrayal and crosses his arms like a sulky child.

Yuuji has a second to decide on his next action to stop those two from screaming at each other altogether and calm down his teacher, so his brain just comes up with something completely insane.

That's how Shouko finds them in the kitchen, coming for her usual coffee break in the middle of the night, a bit concerned about loud shouts that could be heard from halfway just a moment ago. She stops in her tracks at the sight, witnessing Itadori Yuuji applying something with his pointer finger on Gojou’s cheek—wait, is that a cream filling?—only to tiptoe and catch it with his lips in a kiss. What is this? A foreplay? She blinks a few times, hoping for it to be a hallucination. But they are still there, just staring at each other as if both are equally shocked by what just occurred. No, wait, she is the shocked one here? Hello?

“What the hell are you doing at two in the morning?” Shouko asks in a very judgmental tone.

They look at her in unison, and only then she spots an additional mouth on the boy's face, which is grimacing ugly. She can relate.

“It's two in the morning?!” Itadori exclaims then, petrified. “Oh sh*t! I completely lost track of the time!” He groans.

“Does Yuuji regret waiting for me, then?” Gojou nudges the boy playfully, making a very odd expression.

Almost as if attempting to flirt with him? What the heck? Shouko definitely missed something. To her utter horror, Itadori blushes slightly.

“No.” He says quietly and bites his lower lip while looking away.

Shouko stares. “Itadori. Don't fall for this guy. He is trash.” She states solemnly and ignores a hurt whine of “Shouko!” to frown at the grinning second mouth.

“Finally. Someone with an intact brain.” Sukuna almost sounds relieved.

Why is he smiling like a madman? She looks at every present person in the kitchen, formulating a conclusion of what happened here.

“Ah.” The realization dawns on her. “I see. So that's why it was so loud.” She nods in understanding and raises her eyebrows, unimpressed. “You are both adults and sorcerers. If you want to fight for the boy, make a duel or something. Stop shouting like toddlers, especially at this hour.” Shouko proposes flatly and ignores their replies of disagreement to make a beeline for the coffee machine, only to find it broken.

She frowns deeply. A night coffee break is something Shouko is always anticipating with joy. Since she tends to work overtime, it helps her to stay awake. Oh, well…

“Um, Ieiri-sensei?” Itadori taps her on the shoulder, so she turns to glance at him with a questionable hum. “I can make you coffee, if you want.” He proposes with a smile.

Shouko squints her eyes in suspicion. “Can you, Itadori?”

He nods with enthusiasm. “I will even add an extra slice of the matcha swiss roll that I made…” The boy pauses and chuckles. “Right, it was yesterday.” He laughs. “Just sit patiently and leave it to me, Ieiri-sensei!”

She shrugs and takes a seat next to her friend.

“Yuuji can make coffee too?” Gojou asks curiously while eating, oh, that's the said cake.

It looks tasty. Green, so matcha-flavored?

“He can.” It's Sukuna who responds. “It's good.” He adds, sounding like a proud uncle.

“Why are you the one replying to me?” The white-haired man mutters, annoyed.

“Because—” Then Sukuna is feed with a cake, so he shuts up.

Huh. Interesting technique. Shouko smirks. Itadori has those two wrapped around his finger without issue, it seems.

“Brat. Stop doing that.” Sukuna says grumpily, but it feels half-hearted.

“You are more fussy when you are hungry, Sukuna. So no, I won't stop.” The boy declares, unbothered. She snorts, which gains her a side eye from Sukuna. “Ieiri-sensei, can I make you a matcha coffee to match the cake?” He asks her with a hopeful face.

“Matcha coffee? I have never drank it before.” Shouko admits, puzzled. “Do you even know how to make it?” She can't help but be skeptical.

“Yep!” Itadori chirps. “I remember almost every recipe I came across in my life that I found interesting.” He just casually states and is met with stunned silence.

“Seriously?” Gojou whispers, dumbfounded. “Do you like cooking that much, Yuuji?”

The boy gives them a big, beaming smile. “Mhm!” He hums in affirmation. “I love cooking for others, especially. So I'm really happy right now since I have so many people to share my meals with.” Itadori says it with a fond expression.

Shouko hums. “Let's see the matcha coffee then.” She decides, and the boy cheers, so she smiles slightly.

“And then you are going to bed, Brat, because it's late.” Sukuna nags.

Itadori snorts. “Who are you? My dad?” He jokes, and Gojou chokes on the cake while Sukuna splutters.

Shouko smiles wider. This boy can be as sweet as dangerous. Very, very interesting!

A few minutes later, she has a plate with the cake and matcha coffee in front of her. Shouko tastes the coffee first since it's her priority and has to take one more sip just to make sure.

“Itadori.” She looks at the boy in a serious manner. He seems nervous. “Can you be my barista from now on?” She ends, and the boy gapes, then gasps.

“Yes! Yes, I can!” He agrees excitedly.

Sukuna sighs. “Another one.” He mumbles, resigned.

“How does it taste?” Gojou wonders, his hand reaching for the coffee, but Shouko slaps him, or at least tries, but is blocked with his technique.

The fact that Itadori doesn't get such treatment isn't left unnoticed.

“No. Mine.” She waves her friend away and takes another sip. “The matcha brings out coffee’s flavor even better. I like it a lot.” Shouko nods with appreciation, then decides to try the cake. She stares at the boy for a long moment while chewing. “Itadori. Who are you?” She asks finally, and the boy chuckles.

“It's super tasty, right?! Yuuji is so talented! He made me dinner too, and it was glorious~” Gojou butts in with a grin and looks at Itadori. “Hey, Yuuji. Give me one more slice of the swiss roll?” He begs and makes puppy eyes at him.

“A few bites for me too.” Sukuna demands.

“Oh. Save me one more slice for later, Itadori.” Shouko joins, sensing the occasion.

Yuuji takes a deep breath, a feeling of fulfillment and delight settling in his chest.

“Of course!” He replies brightly.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - Chapter 5 - kako_chan - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.