The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

CLIP BY ROOSEVELT SCUDS ALONG UNHIS A DRIVING WIND. SCHOONER DER Is Ahead of SchedulePresident Through Secretary, He Spikes Reports He Plans a Trip to London Parley. (By the Associated Press.) HARBOR, June PULPIT the progress of the LonElated over President Roosevelt conference, don today and shot his schooner let gO Maine coast far ahead of the up under a driving northwest schedule wind and bright sun. into this isolated harbor at Pulling of Northaven Island in the tip Penobscot Bay, Mr. Roosevelt took to speak thrbugh his secoccasion Stephen T.

Early, for the first retary, on his vacation jaunt. time The statement of Early expressed the President's satisfaction over the trend of the events at Lonpresent and denied fresh reports he was don to the London parley. going Early's statement follows: "Recurring reports that the President twill board the cruiser Indianapolis for a rush trip to London are without foundation in fact. The President to complete his vacation cruise plans and return to Washington as scheduled. AT NO TIME CONSIDERED, "AI no time has the President considered going to London and he sees no reason whatsoever to do so now.

Reports from London, received in the past twenty -four hours, have been altogether satisfactory to the President. "Although the is far up the Maine coast, is and has been in continuous communication with Washington at all times since he left. The state department has kept him fully advised all developments in the economic conference." The declaration, revealed that Mr. Roosevelt a close finger on the delicate events of the last few days which saw the American delegation Vibe its test for a postponement contest over the stabilization of currency. With three new "boots" on board the Amberjack II today, his two youngest sons, Franklin, and John, and their friend, A.

Y. Paul of Philadelphia, the President gave his men a real workout. NEAR HALFWAY MARK. The day's trip brought Mr. Roosevelt almost halfway from Portland to Campobello Island, New Brunswick, where he had expected to arrive a week hence.

Whether he will lag along the remainder of the course or shoot on was problematical tonight. ASK RECEIVER FOR BELLERIVE. Foreclosure Action Also FiledHearing Set for July 3. Foreclosure proccedings and an application for a receiver for the Bellerive hotel were filed yesterday in the Independence division of the circuit court by trustees representing approximately one-third of the bondholders. The application set up the failure to pay interest and taxes as the reason for the proceedings.

At the request of for the trustees, Rufus Burrus, acting judge, set July 5 for a hearing on the application. The action was filed in the name of Melvin L. Strauss, Chicago, and William R. Orthwein, St. Louis, cotrustees, who said they represented numerous bondholders.

The defendant named is the Bellerive Investment Company. The application states that the original mortgage was for 000, but that it has been reduced materially. However, the petition states, default has been made in the payment of interest on the bonds and the taxes. The action was filed by Robert Ingraham, attorney for the trustees. W0Q AGAIN LOSES OUT.

Radio Commission Cancels License, Effective in Twenty Days. (By the Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June federal radio commission today authorized station KFH, Wichita, to operate unlimited hours in a decision reiterating previous findings that were taken court and remanded for further commission consideration. In the same decision, the commission announced the temporary license of station W0Q, Kansas City, operated by the Unity School of Christianity, would be canceled twenty days from date, at which time KFH may begin unlimited operations. Charles Fillmore, president of the School of Christianity, said last night he had not been informed of the radio commission's action. The school probably would appeal the ruling to the courts in a fight to retain its license, he said.

RITES FOR MRS. T. K. HANNA. The Services Will Be Held at 2:30 o'Clock This Afternoon.

Funeral services for Mrs. Thomas K. Hanna, widow of an early-day Kansas City dry goods merchant and mother of John V. Hanna, chief engineer for the Kansas City Terminal Railway Company, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this Saturday at the home, 3932 McGee street. Dr.

George P. Baity, pastor of the Westport Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Washington cemetery. The pallbearers: John H.

Welsh, J. Howard Harbison, Carl E. Lang. Leon H. Denison.

Herman P. Harbison. Willard R. Douglass. DEATHS IN GREATER KANSAS CITY.

BLATCHLEY- -Melbourne E. Blatchley, 73 years old, 3909 Manheim road, died yesterday of pneumonia. He is survived by his widow, I Mrs. Jennie Blatchley; four daughters, Mrs. B.

A. Pew, Sulphur Springs, Mrs. J. T. Frazier, Paris, Miss Mabel Blatchley, Los Angeles, and Miss Marjorie Blatchley, the home; two sons, Henry Blatchley, Arnold, and Melbourne W.

Blatchley, of the home, and a brother, H. D. Blatchley, Caldwell, Idaho. COLLINS -Julius G. Collins, 62, a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, twenty years, died yesterday at his home, 1036 Minnesota avenue.

He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Ola Mabry, Jarboe hotel, Tenth street and Washington avenue: Mrs. Mildred Ward, Independence, and Mrs. Ruby Priest. of the home: four sons, Patrick Collins and Raphael Collins.

both of 1227 Grandview boulevard. and Walter Collins and Leonard Collins, both of 1806 Oakland avenue. and two brothers. C. J.

Collins, Fruitland, Idaho, and J. E. Collins, Lincoln, Neb. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this Saturday at the Long chapel; burial in Memorial Park cemetery. HECHT -William Frederick Hecht, died yesterday at his home, the Riche: lieu apartments, 405 East Armour boulevard.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Patricia C. Hecht; three sons, William F. Hecht, Theodore Robert Hecht and Richard Calhoun Hecht, all of the home, and two brothers and a sister. all of Los Angeles.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this Saturday at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek boulevard and the Paseo. LANGEL-Mrs. Selma Langel, 64 years old. 4419 South Springfield street, Kansas City, Kansas, died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. F.

A. Fox, 7210 Brooklyn avenue. Surviving also are her husband. Louis H. Langel, sr.

and two sons, Nelson C. Langel and Louis H. Langel, all of the home; three other daughters, Mrs. Ernest Sells, 4318 Rainbow boulevard. Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs.

T. B. McMahon, Gillett, and Mrs. L. G.

Gerner, St. Louis, and her mother, Mrs. M. Flora, Amelia, O. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday at the Wagner chapel; burial in Forest Hill cemetery.

LEACH- Mrs. Lenhena Leach, resident of Kansas City, Kansas, ten years. died yesterday at her home. 912 Northrup avenue. She leaves her husband, sisters, Mrs.

W. A. 1 Kerr, 1128 Sandusky Charles Leach, of the home, six avenue; Mrs. O. W.

Hicks, 3927 Agnes avenue: Mrs. J. F. Fuenfstueck, 448 North Sixteenth street; Mrs. John Morrison, 1604 Tauromee avenue; Mrs.

J. H. Bell, Mound. Valley, and Mrs. T.

S. Kirby, Vinita. Ok. Mrs. Leach was a member of the Central Christian church in Kansas City, Kansas.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 oclock Monday at the Long chapel; burial in Woodlawn cemetery. -Charles McLaren, 65 years old. 3715 Garner avenue, died last night in the General hospital. Surviving are his widow. Mrs.

Ida McLaren, of the home: a son, Monte McLaren, and a daughter. Miss Pearl McLaren, both of San Diezo, a step-daughter, Mrs. Albert Hydeman. 4924 South Benton: a sister. Mrs.

George Rainey, Macomb, and two brothers, Oll McLaren, South Bend, and John McLaren, Macomb. PHELPS--Miss Anna Mae Phelps died late yesterday at the home, 5041 Bellefontaine avenue. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Emma R. Phelps, of the home.

Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this Saturday at the home. Burial will be Sunday in Centralia, Mo. Death of John E. Glenn. John E.

Glenn, 61, the father of Warner W. Glenn, 3909 South Benton, died yesterday at his home in Kingston, Mo. Surviving also are three other sons. Glenn, Leonard both C. of Glenn Kansas and David City, and Donovan E.

Glenn, Eighty-seventh street and Blue Ridge A daughter, Mrs. Rider. Kansas City, and five brothers, R. V. Glenn and Arthur C.

Glenn, both of Kingston, David K. and Robert E. Glenn, both of Lawson. and William P. Glenn.

Galesburg. Ill. Funeral services will 1 be held at 10 o'clock Monday at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek boulevard and the Paseo: burial in Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. William L.

Gregory Dies. Mrs. Hattie Kief Gregory, wife of William Lee Gregory, formerly of Kansas City, died yesterday in New Rochelle. N. Y.

She leaves two sons, Marcus Gregory, The Dalles, and William Gregory, of the home: a daughter, Miss Angeline Gregory, of the home; a sister, Mrs. Nellie Prevost. Berkeley, and an uncle, F. N. Tufts.

6516 Linden road. Funeral services will be held in New Rochelle. Funeral Services. Harry Gilbert Rupert, 1014 Elmwood avenue, at 2 o'clock this Saturday at the Lapetina chapel; burial in Floral Hills cemetery. Mrs.

Christina Coldsnow. 638 Ash avenue, Fairmount, at 10:30 o'clock Monday at the Fairmount Christian church; burial in Woodlawn cemetery, Independence. A DRIVING WIND PUTS ROOSEVELT'S SCHOONER FAR ALONG ON COURSE. NEW BRUNSWICK AI PORT EAST CAMBELLO HIS PULPIT HARBOR PORTLAND HARBOR I GLOUCESTER A BOSTON CAPE COD A CONN MARION WOODS HOLE BUZZARDS BAY A NANTUCKET TOWN LONG bor, Spending the night at Pulpit Har- port, Me. The black line shows the President Roosevelt, and route so far traveled on the pleasure party were well ahead of schedule on jaunt.

According to his schedule, the the way Campobello President still has a week to cover to Island, whicn Is New Brunswick territory although the distance indicated by the dotted lust across the channel from Eastline, THE KANSAS CITY TIMES. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, TARZAN THE The raft was rocking perilously as the hippo- The hippo submerged and came to the surpotamus churned and thrashed the water about face between the two rafts. Parker called to it. Excited and thrilled, Jean watched the ef- Holt on the other raft: "Get him--I missed fect of her shots. Now she saw another hippo him." Holt turned, and as he raised his rifle, coming toward her.

This time her father fired the hippo ducked. He fired into the water and -but missed. the beast came up right under Holt's raft. A THREAT TO FEDERAL AID MISSOURI RELIEF GROUP FEARS ACTIVITIES OF SPECULATORS. Steps Are 10 Prevent Attempts Private Gain Jeopardizing State's Share of Pub.

lie Works Program. JEFFERSON, CITY CITY STAR BUREAU (5y a Member of The Star's JEFFERSON CITY, June of speculators attempting to make a private gain out of the federal government public works program may prevent Missouri from realizing its full share of the projects, members of the Missouri relief and reconstruction committee said here tonight after a meeting with Governor Park. Wallace Crossley of Warrensburg, chairman of the committee, joined with Governor Park in issuing a warning that any attempt to "hold up" the government on properties obtained for speculative purposes would have a detrimental influence. A resolution, adopted by the committee: "It is rumored that certain speculators for the purpose of making profits are seeking to secure options on lands in case certain public works projects are approved by the government. In our opinion such attempts will tend to delay or even defeat these projects.

We feel that the federal authorities would not favor such projects provided they had to do so by fattening groups of speculators." SOME TO MEETING ALARMED. Several members of the committee had heard reports of this activity in the last few weeks and came meeting alarmed as to its possibie effect on the state's allotment of public works funds. members felt immediate and 'drastic steps should be taken to curb such procedure. Members of the committee, besides the chairman, are Dr. E.

R. co*ckrell, Fulton: John T. Harding, Kansas City lawyer; J. H. Rehme, St.

Louis, and Dean F. B. Mumford of the Missouri college of agriculture, Columbia. Prof. Walter Burr of the University of Missouri, Governor Park's of relief, met with the committee.

In addition to initiating steps against speculators, the committee formulated rules under which Missouri will continue to participate in federal relief funds. Under recent instructions from Washington it has become evident that it now is mandatory for states obtaining federal relief aid to raise local funds to be pooled with federal relief money. CLASSIFY THE ACTIVITIES. To work out problems presented by this new ruling, the committee divided into three classes the activity it will undertake. The classifications: Where official records show that a city or county has unused bonding power or taxing power for public works which if now used would produce sufficient revenue to care for its own people, the committee will grant no aid: Where a city or county has reasonably used its bonding and taxing power and still has a relief load beyond its power to carry, the committee will pay one-third of its relief expenditures in any given month; Where in a given area there is serious need which the local governments are powerless to do anything to relieve, the committee will entirely take over that area and through employed workers administer relief under the state director.

Adoption of these rules indicated that Kansas City and other municipalities which expect to share in the federal relief funds must first find a way to do its share unless all reasonable means are exhausted. Professor Burr told the committee that applications had been made for funds in June from the federal government totaling $835,000. In July, August and September another 000 will be available, he estimated. Members of the committee discussed means whereby their efforts could be supplanted by the public works program, which they felt was more satisfactory than direct relief. For that reason all members desired that nothing be done to interfere with the public works projects recommended for Missouri.

WINGED MERCURY TOQUES NOW Fall Styles Are Forecast at the Prix des Drags Steeplechase. (By the Associated Press.) AUTEUIL, FRANCE, June Mercury toques made fashion debut in the bright sunshine here today at the Prix des Drags steeplechase, forecasting fall styles. The smartest women of Paris appeared in toques of olive green, sapphire blue, black and red velvet with crowns treated to give modified height. Most outstanding were Mercury toques with two fabric wings. The toques were worn tilted, generally accompanied by shoulder capes of the same velvet.

There were blue toques similar to a priest's biretta and red models copied from a Chinese coolie's hat. Ostrich feather boas, iridescent glass bubble beads and lace mitts were novelties to be seen. Many women combined fluffy boas of all hues with light and dark costumes. A white crepe dress was worn with 1933. 17 APE MAN.

(Copyright, 1933.) MAYOr The raft was tipped up on one end and the Riano screamed in Swahili for the native men were spilled into the water. Frantically boys to obey and save themselves. Everyone they swam about, seeking escape. The raft made for the Parker raft except two natives, was broken into pieces and more hippos were who started swimming for the opposite shore. approaching when Holt yelled: "Make for the And on the rock strewn sand the hungry crocoother raft!" diles awaited them! a lavender ostrich boa, and a black crepe frock with a pink straw picture hat, pink ostrich boa and elbow A $30 HOLDUP IN 10 SECONDS.

Grocer Robbed During Pause by Running Bandit. Hatless and breathless AS though he had been running. a man dashed into the Great Atlantic Pacific Company store at 425 Westport road, late yesterday. L. W.

Pope, manager. looked up. Pulling a revolver from his pocket. the man said. "Open the cash register.

Be quick." Pope opened the register. The thief seized $30. He sprinted out the back door and down the alley. "The whole thing was over in ten seconds," Pope said. Young Lady Who Fell From Third Floor Window.

Eleanor Dean Doran, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Doran, 2600 Olive street, rests easily in the General hospital, where she was taken for observation after falling from a third story window. Eleanor cried several hours after regaining consciousness. An interne gave the assurance that she suffered only from a sprained wrist and shock.

THE GOVERNMENT FORECAST. Kansas and -Partly cloudy today and Sunday. possibly a few scattered thundershowers: little change in temperature. Missouri- Partly cloudy today and Sunday, probably scattered thunderstorms; little change in temperature, Iowa--Probably local showers and thunderstorms today and Sunday: little change in temperature. Arkansas- -Partly cloudy to cloudy.

local thundershowers in southeast todav: Sunday partlv cloudy to cloudy. Oklahoma -Partly cloudy today and Sundav. East Texas--Generally fair today and Sunday Light to moderate southerly winds on the coast. West Texas-Partly cloudy. probably thundershowers in extreme west today and Sunday, U.

S. Weather temperature D. Central temperature of precipitation hours. the tures vesterday locity of the are here shown: Amarillo Bismarck Boise Boston Buffalo Calgary Chicago Cincinnati C'rdia. Christi Davenport Del Rio Denver Des Detroit Dodge City Edmonton El PARO Fort Fort Worth.

Havre Huron Kansas 'citv. Los Angeles. Memphis Miles City Minneapolis. Montgomery. New Orleans New York Platte Okla.

City Omaha Phoenix P'rtl'd. Qu'Appelle Rapid City St Joseph st. Louis Salt L. City. San Fran'sco Santa Fe Shreveport Sioux City Sp'el'ld.

Mo. Tampa Washington, Wichita Williston Win'mucca Winnipeg Weather Observations. bureau observations. giving the and state of the weather at 7 time. vesterdav: the lowest the preceding night.

the for the preceding twelve maximum and minimum teniperaand direction and wind at the principal stations. 9 night Low A 88 94 66 PCly 00 84 86 80 Cldy 86 88 52 Cldy NW 70 78 64 Olear 74 78 62 Clear NE 70 74 46 Cldy SE 10 74 84 64 Cidy NE 12 84 92 66 Clear NE 92 96 76 Cldv NE 8 84 92 74 Clear ST 14 76 92 66 Rain 8 1.04 94 98 70 Cldy 6 78 86 64 Cldy 4 .02 86 90 70 Clear SE 8 .12 78 82 60 Clear 8 92 98 70 Cldv 14 63 69 40 Cldy SE 6 72 86 66 Cidy SE 4 .18 98 72 Cidy NE 6 96 102 78 Cidy 12 74 76 52 PCly 12 86 88 62 PCIv 4 93 97 78 Cldv SE 7 66 74 58 Clear SW 10 86 94 76 Cldv SW 84 88 Cldy 10 82 86 68 Clear SW 10 82 92 72 Cidy Calm 82 88 74 PCIv SE 4 06 74 82 66 Clear 12 88 90 64 PCly 8 94 100 72 Clear SE 8 90 94 76 Cldv 8 8 104 106 78 Clear 70 72 56 Rain NW 01 62 66 52 Cldy NE 82 84 62 Cidv 92 96 78 Cldv SE 92 96 74 Clear SE 10 90 90 64 PClv NW 10 58 64 50 PCIv 20 72 74 54 PCly 6 88 94 Cldv SW 10 92 96 70 Cidy 4 78 78 50 Cldv SW 6 90 98 72 Clear SE 4 80 84 PCly 12 82 90 66 Clear SE 6 98 102 78 PCly SW 12 76 80 58 Clear NE 10 84 88 48 Clear SW 14 66 74 60 Cldy NE 12 0 MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. ARRIVED. Ile de France at Le Havre from New York. New Yor'.

at Hamburg from New York. President Hardine, at Hamburg from New York. President Roosevelt. at New York from Hamburg. SAILED.

American Banker. from New York for London Deutschland, from Southampton for New York. Minnetonka. New York for Antwerp. Minnewaska, from Antwerp for New York.

Olvmpic from New York for Southampton. Paris from Le Havre for New York Scythia, from New York for Liverpool. Washington Cobh for New York. Santa Paula. from New York for San Francisco.

Read the want ad columns of The Star where more good people meet more good people, in a trading mood, regularly, than any other time or place. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUED IN KANSAS CITY, MO. Jack Ruben. Kansas Citv .23 Sarah R.

Harris, Kansas city 24 Francis M. Kennedy, Kansas City ...59 Myrtle E. Hopper. Kansas City ...50 William J. London.

City ..26 Emily Anne Allison. Kansas City .20 Theodore E. Dujakovic, Kansas City .31 Mary Brzozowski. Kansas City .20 George King. Kansas City .38 Cleone Anderson.

Kansas City .28 Paul A. Siler. Kansas City ..25 J. Louise Hermelink. Kansas City ,,21 Howard Silverman, Kansas City 23 Cecelia Sugarwater.

Kansas City William A. Berryman. St. Louis, over 21 Elizabeth Reeves. Kansas Citv 21 Ralph Brown.

Topeka Marv Dixon, Topeka 26 Karl W. Minst. Lebanon. O. .36 Bessie May Clum.

Thornville. 0. ..44 Howard Corse, Mo. 26 Nelle Brink Parkville. Mo.

...22 Wavde L. Rollins. St. Joseph. Mo.

..22 Margaret Norell. Columbus. Kas. 24 ISSUED. IN WYANDOTTE COUNTY.

Ralph J. Stewart. Kansas City. 21 Lena V. Brown, Kansas City.

18 John A. Gadwood. Kansas City. Kansas. 72 Emma R.

Wines. Kansas 67 ISSUED IN INDEPENDENCE. Ben F. Sparks, St. Helen Rose Czajcinski, St.

26 DIVORCE SUITS. GRANTED IN KANSAS CITY. Iva I. from Lawrence R. Starks.

Lucy Ann from Frank W. Connors. Betty from Woodie Webb. Robert L. from Frankie Ruth Zeigler, Ethel from Fitzhugh Lee.

FILED IN KANSAS CITY. Goldie against Roy Baldwin. Marjorie E. against Hubert W. Stuck.

Wilfred W. against Val Emerick, Carl against Luevader Laura M. William Ingraham. FILED IN WYANDOTTE COUNTY. Gladys against Frank McDonald.

Doris Ellen against Lawrence William Millsan. Bessie against IN Anderson F. Blanchard. GRANTED WYANDOTTE COUNTY. Lois from John T.

Lesslev. John from Barbara Hardy Eva from E. J. Coulter Grace Emma from Ed Meier. Audrey from Charles Griffin.

GRANTED IN INDEPENDENCE. Flov E. from Marvin T. Sandell. Lila E.

from William Claria Geraldine A. from Lawrence E. Harsha. Lulu Mae from Reuben C. Burrows.

Claudine from George W. Camden. Marretta R. from John Mahoner. Glads from Virgil Rinehart.

FILED IN INDEPENDENCE. Marie Josephine against Clement bacher. Lottie A. arainst James Edward Toler. SERVICE MEASURED NOT GOLD BUT BY THE GOLDEN RULE MEMBER THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE Can Be he prices on our Readchandise are in plain figures so that they can be easily read.

The prices marked complete make it casy to choose wisely. LEON' T. WAHL, MANAGER mrs. C. L.



Deaths BEVILLE Dr. Charlie, age 42. passed AV ay Wednesday: tuneral arrangement incomplete. Bergman Funeral Home, Armour bivd. and Main st.

VAlentine 8070. Christina, 638 Ash. mount. passed away Friday morning. aged 80 vears.

Survivors. 2 daughters, Mrs. George C. Ward, Wichita. Mrs.

L. Sherman. Merriam. 6 sons. Henry G.

Coldsnow, 2012 Linwood: Wallace M. Coldsnow. Atherton. George W. Coldsnow.

St. Louis. Alfred M. Coldsnow. 638 Ash.

Fairmount. Lambert O. Coldsnow. 5822 Virginia: Elmer O. Coldsnow.

Wichita. 2 sisters. Mrs. E. Collins, 5510 Virginia; Mrs.

G. M. Reynolds, 127 S. Bellaire: 3 brothers. Henry Casper.

516 Gladstone: Casper, Independence, Charles Casper, Belton, Mo. For further information call D. W. Newcomer's Sons. KOENIG-Otto, 62 vears of age, passed away at residence, 8210 Highland.

Thursday evening. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Maria Koenig of the residence. Mr. Koenig's remains will lie in rest at the residence.

8210 Highland, from noon Sunday until 8:30 Monday morning. Funeral services St. Augustine's Catholic church. 79th and Paseo. 9 o'clock, Interment Calvary cemetery.

Reported "by W. F. Mayberry. mortician. McLAREN- Charles.

3715 Garner. passed away Friday evening age 65 vears. Survivors. wife. Mrs.

Ida McLaren, 3715 Garner; son. Monte McLaren, San Diego, daughter Miss Pearl McLaren, San Diego, step-daughter. Mrs. Albert Hydeman, 4924 South Benton: sister. Mrs.

George Rainey. McComb 2 brothers oil Laren. South Bend, John McLaren, McComb, 111, For further information call D. W. Newcomer's Sons.

PHELPS- Miss Anna Mae, passed away Friday, June 23. at her home. 5041 Bellefontaine. Survived by her mother. Mrs.

Emma R. Phelps. of the home. Funeral services Saturday, June 24. at 3 p.

from the home: burial Sunday afternoon in tralia, Mo. Lindsey Service, WEstport 2000. RITCHIE- Mrs. Kate, passeci away In San Diego. Mrs Ritchie is survived hy.

Per daughter Mra. George Jer my, also of San Diego: remains will arrive In Kansas City Friday evening and will be taken to the F. O'Donnell Co funeral residence, Broadway and Linwood bivd. from where the funeral will be held Saturday morning. June 24.

8.30 o'clock. Services at the Cathedral. 11th and Broadway. at 9 o'clock. Interment ML Bi, Mary's cemetery.

COLLINS services for Julius G. Collins of 1036 Minnesota ave, will be hold Saturday, afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Geo. H. Long mortuary. 10th st.

and Barnett Kansas City. Kas. Burial in Memorial Park cemetery. COLDSNOW- -Funeral services for Mrs. Christina Coldsnow.

638 Ash. Fairmount, who passed Away Friday. will be held Monday, 10:30 o'clock. from the Fairmount Christian church, 8th and Ash. Interment.

Woodlawn cemetery. Independence, Mo. For further information call D. W. Newcomer's Sons.

COWPERTHWAIT Funeral service for 04 Charles Admiral Blvd. Cowperthwalt. who age passed 64 away years, June of 1104 22. will be held Saturday, June 24 at 2 ma. from the Lindsey Funeral Home.

3811 Broadway. Interment. Forest Hill cemetery. Ann and Beverly Joy. daughters of Dr.

and Mrs. Herman Friesen: granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs M. Fletcher, 2111 N. 5th.

Their remains will lie in state at Porter Sons' chapel. 10th and Minnesota, and will be taken to Wichita Saturday. -Funeral services for Wm. T. Garrett, age 41.

2415 Poplar, who passed away at his home June 21. will be held at Rose Henderson funeral home Saturday morning. 10:30. Burial Maple Hill cemetery. age 41.

passed away at his home. 2415 Poplar, June 21. vived by wife. Mrs. Jessie Shope Garrett: son.

D. L. Garrett. 4241 Chestnut: mother. Mrs.

Dora Garrett. Buffalo. 4 sisters and 1 brother. all of Buffalo. Funeral services at the Rose Henderson funeral home Saturday.

10:30 a. m. Burial Maple Hill cemeterv. GLENN -Funeral services for John E. Glenn, Kingston.

who passed away Friday. age 61 years. will be held Monday. 10 o'clock from D. W.

Newcomer's Sons' community chapel on Paseo at Brush Creek blvd. Interment Forest Hill cemetery vivors. daughter. Mrs. Thelma Rider.

Kansas Cite 4 sons Warren Glenn. 3909 So. Benton. Leonard C. Glenn.

Kansas Citv. Donavan E. Glenn. 87th and Blue Ridge, David P. Glenn Broadmore hotel: 5 brothers.

V. Glenn Kingston, Mo. Arthur C. Glenn Kingston. David K.

Glenn. Lawson Mo Robert Glenn. Lawson. William P. Glenn, Galesburg.

Ill. HANNA-Mrs. Judith Joyce. widow of Thomas King Hanna, died early Friday morning. aged 97 years.

Funeral services will be held at the residence. 3932 McGee street. Saturday, June 24, at 2:30 p. m. Rev.

George P. Baity, pastor of the Westport Presbyterian church. officiating. Burial in Mt. Washington cemetery.

Please omit flowers. HECHT -Funeral services for William Frederick Hecht 405 E. Armour, who passed way Friday. age 45 vears. will be held Saturday.

2 o'clock. from D. W. Newcomer's Sons' Community chapel, on Paseo at Brush Creek blvd. Cremation.

Survivors: Wife. Mrs. Patricia Hecht: 3 sons. William F. Hecht.

Theodore Robert Hecht. Richard Calhoun Hecht. all of the home: 2 brothers and sister of Los Angeles, Cal. LONG- Funeral services for Thomas Washinston Long. aged 87 vears.

will be held Saturday morning. 6 o'clock. from the Little Sisters of the Poor. 55th and Highland. Interment Forest Hill cemetery.

For further information call D. W. Newcomer's Sons. VEDDER- Mrs. Mabel.

age 22 vears, passed away June 22 at her home. 3103 Matthews ave. She is survived by her husband. Williem Vedder. and an infant son.

Willian Charles Vedder. both of the home: and a brother. Richard Pemprase. Lawrence. Kas.

Funeral service Saturday. 2 p. at MiG. C. L.

Forster's funeral home. YELTON -John W. ARO 86. died at his home 5208 E. 7th Thursday.

He 18 survived by his wife of the home and 1 daughter. Mrs. Walter Bruns. 7321 Belleview Funeral from the drawing room of C. H.

Blackman Son funeral home. 2825 Independence 10 a. m. Saturday. Burial in Mt.

Washington cemetery. Florists FLOWERS for Funerals Artistically arranged: suburban price with city style. W. J. Barnes Store and Greenhouse.

38th end Euclid. Established 1890 Member Flor1sts Telegraph Delivery Association. wood 0933-0934. Night. Linwood 8230.

Ample free parking space. PETUNIAS. 25c dozen: geraniums, 50c dozen; all other bedding plants, 3c-5c: funeral sprays, $1.39 up. Altman Floral. 35th-Park.

Linwood 2242. SHORT bushy petunias 50c dozen: annuals, 25c dozen. Morningside Greenhouses 61st and Holmes. Open evenings. Sundavs Card of Thanks WE wish to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to our neighbors.

friends and relatives for their help. sympathy and beautiful floral offerings in the loss of our dear beloved son and brother. Howard Cavanah. We are especially grateful to our Unity friends. including Ernest C.

Wilson. Kenneth Jarman. Edith Griffith. Della Reed. Silent Unity and all who helped us to bear our loss.

together with our aviation friends and for the plane escort to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Cavanah and daughter. Martha.

THE grateful thanks of her mother. Mrs. Edna Van Derbur, are extended with those of the family and close friends of Mrs. Myrtle Jones. who was killed by motor car Sunday, June 18.

1933. to those who so lovingly responded with helpful sympathy and tokens of regard expressed by beautiful flowers. In Memoriam IN loving memory of our dear husband and daddy. Dr. C.

H. Brown, who passed away June 24. 1932. Though you have gone. dear one, from this world of care.

your willing hands need toil no more your loving voice we cannot hear; but with us your memory always stays and your chair no one can fill: for the ones who think of you today are the ones who loved you Wife and children. Verla Dean. Mildred and Willard. friends and relatives. IN LOVING memory of our mother.

Mary H. Brown. who passed away 2 vears AgO today: Dearest mother, true and kind. No one on earth like you we find. For all of us she did her best: God grant to her--eternal rest.

The children. IN memory of our son and brother. Sam Grego, who passed away June 24, 1926; also in memory of our husband and father. Neal Grego, who passed away July 17. 1926.

Gone, but not forgotten. Sadly missed by family. IN loving remembrance of S. Crew. who passed away 3 years ago.

June 24. Sadly missed by wife. Mrs. Ida Crew, and children. Lodge Notices YORK Lodge No.

562. A F. and A. will meet in special communication at Scottish Rite temple. Linwood and Paseo, Saturday morning.

9:30. for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of our late brother. Wm. T. Garrett.

Services At Rose Henderson's chapel. 15th and Jackson, at 10:30. Interment in Maple Hill cemetery. Argentine. Ben H.

Kolbe. W. M. F. Strucker, Sec.

EAST GATE Lodge No. 630. Special and A M. 26th communication and Jackson Sat ave. ning.

June 24, 7 o'clock. Work in the degrees. All Master Masons welcome. Fred A. Doblere W.

M. Ernest W. Berry, Secy. YORK, Lodge No. 563.

A. F. and A. will meet in regular communication at Scottish Rite temple. Linwood and Paseo, this Saturday evening.

7:30: important business: members urged to attend: visito 'S welcome. Ben H. Kolbe. W. N.

F. Stryker, Sec'y. EAST GATE Lodge No. 630. A.

F. and A. will meet at the temple, 26th and Jackson ave, Sun. morning. June 25, at 10 o'clock, to attend St.

John's day services at Oakhurst Methodist church, 18th and Spruce. All members of East Gate bodies and their families cordially invited. Pred A. Dobler, W. M.

Ernest W. Berry, Secy. Funerals MARY E. Chapter No. 508.

E. -Stated meeting Saturday. June 24. 8 o'clock. 3301 Woodland.

Refreshments. Members of the order welcome, Cora J. Goggin, W. M. Thelma Benson.

Sec'y. SPANISH-AMERICAN War erans. attend funeral services of Comrede Yelton, late a member of John C. Bates Camp. from Blackman's funeral home Saturdav.

10 m. Elmer E. Freeman. Commander. Daugherty.

Adit. For Quick WANT AD SERVICE Phone HArrison 1200 Lost and Found 5c a word each day (minimum 60c a dayl, 40 a word each day for 3 consecutive days LOST. BUNDLES of Clothing-2: reward. Call VAlentine 0711. CAT-White angora; reward.

16 E. 67th. JA. 5870. COAT -Gray: on Broadway: reward.

EdwArds. RAndolph 1406N2. COIN Purse -Containing money: between 50th and 48th on Troost; all of widow'a sAvings: reward. Call LOzan 3662. CAT- Yellow: long haired Persian: reward.

1127 E. 77th Terrace. JAckson 5465. DEALERS' License- State D-530-R. city D-138-C: reward.

Birrell Motor 2201 Grand. GRand 2341. DIAMOND Pin- -June 13. Bellerive hotel. Newman theater.

union station: $25 reward. JA. 3041. DOG -Lost Monday: Pekingese, brown male: sheared: -Virginia vicinity. WEst.

nori. 2282. DOG--Fox terrier: white. black and brown spots; male: name "Vanilla: vicinity 15th-Jackson: reward. CHestnut 7251.

DOG -Black and white Lov fox terrier: near 85th-Wornall reward. Call VAlentine 8500. FRATERNITY Pin-Near Plaza theater Thursday evening. key shape. set with opals: reward.

HIland 0883. GLASSES-2 pair: Wabash train or union station: identification; reward. Hiland 0137 WATCH -Lady's, gold: closed case: Waltham; engraved: amethyst fob. Linwood 0631. Miscellaneous MATERNITY and Adoptions--Seclusion for unfortunate girls, expenses reduced by working Address Fairmount Hospital.

4909 E. 27th. Kansas City Mo. MATERNITY Home and Adoptions- -Private: professional: special rates. Mariorie E.

Fellows, 2641 Forest. HArrison 4024. Travel Opportunities $1.201: 55c a line day tor 3 consecutive 60c an agate line, each day 1 1 1 171 daus: 50c a line each dau for 7 consecutive daus Official World's Fair Information. Superior Service- -Lower Cost CHICAGO DIREST HOURS. VIA MISSOURI TRANSIT LINES.

INC. Chicago $7.00 E. St Louis. 4.25 Detroit 9.50 Los 22.00 All other points proportionately low N. COR.

14TH AND MAIN. VI, 7733 Lowest Excursion Fares E. St. Louis-Chicago-Detroit-New York. 28 Los NEW YELLOWAY MIDLAND STAGES.

DEPOT. 1201 McGEE. HA. 0131. VI.

7745. $3.95 to Des Moines $6.95 to Minneapolis Jefferson Transportation Co. Phone HArrison 7714-7400-6252. CUT RATE BUS FARES. St.

Louis. Chicago, Detroit. Louisville. New York. Los Angeles.

DANIELS STAGES. 10th-McGee. 8830. DEPENDABLE care for long trips. 2c per HA, mile.

126 W. 12th. Saunders System. FREE transportation Dallas, El Paso: leaving soon. Hotel Baltimore, room 648.

DALLAS via Oklahoma City: sedan: take 2: share expense. WEstport 9580. 1 PASSENGER to Denver: good car: leave Sun. or Mon. 3770.

DRIVING to Texas Saturday: take 4 passengers. Call 5695. DRIVING to Chicago: take 3. VIctor 4780. WANT to move to a new location? Read the rental ads in The Star.

Personals In Kansas Citu. Western Missouri. Kansas. 6c word dau (minimum 72c a dull. word day 3 consecutive days.

a word each day for 7 days NEWT--I want to hear from you and Carl -Newt. WANT transportation to Los Angeles, share expenses. BEnton 6830. responsible for any debts except my own. --Harry Frame, 811 Gladstone, $25 CASH for steady emplovment: vounz man, 27; have car.

Linwood 3376. WANTED--Copy of Olathe Mirror, week of December 19, 1918. Address 766 Star. DOCTOR Albert Hakan, optometrist, now with Midland Jewelry 1232 Main st. TRANSPORTATION Wanted from 5810 Wabash arriving 12th and McGee.

7:30. r6- turning 5. responsible for anvone's bills except that I contract. William Carver. 460 North Garland.

AFTER this date will not be responsible for any bills contracted by any other than myself. Earl Greene, 1421 E. 9th. AFTER this date, June 23. 1933.

not responsible for debts contracted by my wife. Cerece Van Bebber. Paul Van Bebber, 3060 N. 11th. Kansas Side.

Personal Services KANSAS CITY Medical Clinic holds a special clinic dally at 121 E. 8th. southwest corner 8th and Grand: hours 9 a. m. till 6 daily: Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.

m. till 8 p. Sundays. 10 till 12 only. Each patient registered will receive complete physical examination, also urinalysis and blood pressure tests free: when X-ray blood and other laboratory tests are necessary very small charge.

Ail diseases treated. Eyes examined free, glasses fitted very small charge. Out of town patients register immediately upon arrival in city. CROQUIGNOLE beautiful permanents. $1.50 complete: Frederic.

Shelton and Realistic, $2.50. Wisteria Beauty Salon, 304 Victor 10th and Main, HArrison 9570. CROQUIGNOLE -Beautiful soft waves. ringlets. 75c, $1.50: Frederics, $2.50.

E. Burnham, graduate Chicago. Jean Lea Beauty Salon, 414 E. 10th. GRand 9884.

SPECIAL-2 permanents, ringlet ends: shampoo 25c: oil permanents. $1.50: Croquignoles, $2.50. Roxanna Beauty Salon. 919 Locust. HArrison 9808.

permanents, $1: shampoo. 25c; Smith's No. 1. 402 12th. HArrison 9699: No 2.

Commonwealth hotel, 1220 Broadway, HArrison 4410. SPECIAL permanents. $1.50 complete: also Croquignoles, guaranteed: finger waves. 25c Augusta Beauty Shop. 2530 Montgall.

Abash 3263. HOLLYWOOD permanents. $1. complete: Croquignole. $2: Frederic.

$3: finger wave. manicure. 25c. Milady's, 1125 Grand, HArrison 8960 PERMANENTS. $1.50, complete: guaranteed ringlet ends: shampoo.

finger wave. 25c. Modern Beauty Salon. 1008 Armour. VAlentine 8159 BEAUTIFUL permanents.

$2.50: Realistic, Duart. Preder.c: 12 vears' exnerience. Caroline Maddox. 4120 Troost. VAlentine 1871.

GUARANTEED croquignole permanents. 50c; shampoo 25c: oil permanents. $1.50 up. LaMar Beauty Shop, 2537 Troost, Victor 8153. LIBERTY Beauty Shop--Conveniently located: air cooled: offers croquignoles or pushups.

$1 complete. 5 West 12th. GRand 9854. WHY take chances? You can get guaranteed Shelton croguignole, permanents for $2. 317 Altman bldg.

HArrison 9709. PERMANENTS -Guaranteed ringlet ends. for $1 01: shampoo. 25c. Radio Beauty Shop.

405 E. 10th: HArrison 9135. CROQUIGNOLE Permanents. $1: 15 vears' experience. Jeanne Beauty Shop, 3422 Broadway.

WEstport 7602. CROQUIGNOLE permanents. $1: 15 vears' experience. Atlantic Beauty Parlor 39th. Walnut.

VAlentine 5665. SINUS. hav fever respiratory conditions: for results breathe Terpezone. 3935 Troost. VAlentine 3722.

5-DAY permanents. $1: shampoo. 25c. Mercer Beauty Shop. 1201 McGee.

VIctor 8636. BEAUTIFUL permanents. $1 complete: Mrs. Purcell. Isis Beauty Shop.

1019 E. 31st. VAlentine 9310. PERMANENTS. air-cooled shop: 4739 licensed Troost Rose Munsterman VAlentine 9519.

$35.00 BEAUTY, -Permanents. $1. Lyons Academy. 13th-Walnut HArrison 9190 SPECIAL Permanents $1.75 complete MIA. Edna Lawson.

Adorable." Indiana. WAbash 9201. PERMANENTS. ND: crocutenotes. $3 Adams Beauty Shop.

1202 Oak. GRand 9072 CROQUIGNOLE -Beautiful soft waves. ring let ende 81 up. Inez Hotel. MAin 4971.

CREDIT down. $1 week dresses entire family, 822 East 12th. Recreation In Kansas City. Western Missouri, Kansas. 6c a word each day (minimum 72c a daut.

a word each day for 3 consecutive days. a word each day for 7 consecutive days. Chicken Dinners-1 -Barbecue LEE ERB for tile best chicken dinners. chicken sandwiches and thick, juicy steaks; barbecue and all kinds of Dutch lunches with cold beer. Located 5 miles south of Fairyland Park on No.

71 highway. Telephone SPringdale 5996-5997. Dancing BIG DANCE TONITE -25c PARAMOUNT CLUB ORCHESTRA HUDGENS, MANAGER TALL TIMBERS ROAD SOUTH OF 0-SMILE. 15-Golden Slipper-15c FRENCHIE. 1801 PROSPECT.



29TH-BROOKLYN Just a little street where old friends meet. COOL COOL! COOLI SUNDAY MATINEE 3 TILL 11:30. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION -Individual atten. tion, highly trained teachers: special club pian-10 lessons. $2.50 Complete tion guaranteed, There 18 no comparison.

Convince Knelle's Studio. 204 tice bldg. 813 Walnut. HArrison 3850. 15c--Blue Moon, 15th-Grand--25c Coolest hall in K.

come out for real time; be one among many: dance 'til 2 where cool breezes blow. Eddy and Joplin, mgrs. 9th-SPRUCE-Fun? Yes! Hot? Nol You'll like it. Plenty cold water and refreshments. forget the heat out here.

Music as you Edythe Sloane's 5-ptece orchestra. 10c-150 till after. 15c-25c. Special Rates, Private Lessons This Week. Prof WOLFE'S.

3107 FOREST. VA. 8808. CLASS MON. 8:30 P.


Dance tonight: cater to middle aged; young folks invited: checking free. Dance City Park Tonight Featuring Johnnie Engro and his orchestra. Geuts 25c. Ladies 10c. HELEN KNIEF.

114 W. Linwood. VA. 9452. Lessons Daily -5 PRIVATE.

5 CLASS $5. Class Taursday, 50c. 10 Classes. $3. CLAUDE LEE SONS 43D AND BELL TONIGHT.

OUT. 10C-WESTPORT PENN-15c Introducing new dance time. 10:30 till 2 DEMOCRATIC Hall-4816 Prospect: dance tonight: Sohowski's orchestra. Jack Reeves, caller. Public invited.

15c-25c. 5 5c-Taxi 13th-Stewart, K-5c Pretty hostesses, good music. DANCE every nite: cool Valley Tavern. 78th and Chestnut 2 blocks east of Prospect; coolest spot in K. beer on tap.

DANCE 25th-Wood. Kansas; Brown's orchestra, 10c-15c. Managers, Beck Rhodes. 15c-1415 Troost-15c Swimming, Boating, Fishing KERNODLES Perk is an ideal place to pienio and swim. Admission 50c per car, limit of 5.

Swim free in a spring fed pool, rock bottom. 6 miles south. 71 highway to Hickman Milis. turn right. follow arrows.

LAKE LUNA. Harrisonville. vacation spot for the family: large shady park: ovens. cabips. swimming.

25c: fishing. 50c: boats, $1: minnows, worms, crawfish, SWAP your old furniture for a used car, radio, etc. Tell about it in the Want Ads. Business Personals In Kansas City. Western Missouri Kansas.

6c a word each day (minimum 72c a davi. a each for 3 consecutive devs. 442c a word each dav tor 7 consecutive days. ROOFING -Repairing: composition shingle residence reroofing: guaranteed materials. workmanship: building improvements.

construction: carpentering, remodeling, settlings. guttering. cementing insulation. ventilation: experienced mechanics: estimates. Acme Roofing and Repair Company.

WAbash ROOF Repairing -Composition roofing applied: guaranteed materials. workmanship: remodeling, carpentering, settlings, painting. paperbanging. guttering. stucco repairing.

chimneys: estimates free: reasonable: monthly payment arrangements. Blick Rooting and House Repair Company. GRand 2265. AUTO refinishing the modern wav: small coupe, $1750; small coaches sedans. $20: large coupes $25; large coaches, sedans.

$35. Hesse Carriage 311 17th EXCAVATING. sodding. concreting. leaky basem*nts, retaining walls.

driveways: remodeling: estimates BEnton 3983. BEDBUGS. moths, roaches ants exterminated by reliable workmen: fumigation guaranteed. HArrison 1101. BEDBUGS.

roaches exterminated: fumigation. vear guarantee: low prices: estimates free. HArrison 6169. WASHER and vacuum service: new wringer rolls installed: $2.50 each. CHestnut 5137.

SOD blue grass: field. 3c: delivered. 5c: laid. 9c. Oliver.

VAlentine 0186. FLOORS sanded. old refinished: estimates free. Linwood 5427 Carpet -Rug Cleaning AMERICAN Oriental -Satisfaction guaranteed: 8-3x10-6. 9x12 cleaned.

$1: 6x9, 75c: oriental. 3c curtains, drapes, tapestries. upholstered furniture cleaned. repaired recovered. VAlentine 8903.

SUMMER Specials-9x12 domestics cleaned. sized. orientals $3.90: establishment long experience: workmanship anteed Aladdin Rug Importing 4041 Broadway: LOgan 4343 DEPRESSION Prices--Quality workmanshin guaranteed: 9x12 cleaned. sized. $1.20.

Dumit Rug Company. CHestnut 6397. $1-6x9 CLEANED SIZED: DE 9x12. $1.25: repairing weaving: overstuffed furniture cleaned Hope Rug. BEnton 3528.

DOMESTIC-9x12. cleaned. sized. Established 20 vears. Astaur Gulaian, 3916 Broadway.

VAlentine 8450. SPECIAL This week-9x12 cleaned. sized. $1,50. Persian Rug 4419 Troost.

WEstport 5770 STANDARD Rug Cleaning Co. -Established 25 vears; depression prices. BEnton 0304. MISSOURI Rug Cleaners- Special prices this week: 25 vears' experience. GRand 1050.

SPECIAL, 312 rugs, 6th. HA. cleaned. 1352. $1: United Dressmaking- Millinery DRESSMAKING, satisfaction, alterations of charge.

every 4115 deno Baltimore. WEstport 9807 SMART summer clothing, new. remodeled, perfect fit guaranteed, special prices. CHestnut 3343. DRESSMAKER- Half price, summer rates: individually designed.

Loretta Gowns, 416 Altman bide. Electrical Repairs FANS for sale; sweepers, washers, radion, electrical appliances repaired. Ray's Niece tric, WAbash 7600, VACUUM cleaners repaired: rebuilts sold. Kinesbury's. 2305-2311 East 34th.

Linwood 2020 Patents and Models WARREN HOUSE Reliable Patent AttorV Estarlished 1890 Obtains patents, makes models 1430 Main st. HA 2732. HOVEY HAMILTON Patents, trademarks, patent engineering 1103 Federal Reset Te Bank bldg Victor 2177 To Telephone THE STAR Call HArrison 1200 W. H..

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.