Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (2024)


Areas of the Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar

Just as with the Horrific Vision of Stormwind, the Horrific Vision of Orgrimmarhas 5 objectives players can complete in 5 areas of varying difficulty: 1 Taintedarea, 2 Corrupted areas, and 2 Lost areas.


Tier 1 — Tainted Areas

There is only 1 Tainted area in Orgrimmar, which is the Valley of Strength. This isby far the easiest zone of the vision when you first start out doing runs. TheSanity drain is only 6 per second at the base level and there is no objectivethere beyond killing Thrall.

The following Madness effects can be present in Tier 1 areas:

  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (1) Madness: Bloodthirsty — deal damage to nearby targets (friendlyand hostile) and heal yourself for 1% per target hit.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (2) Madness: Desynchronized — your casts will cause you to shiftbetween time speeds periodically, making anything affected by time (movement, timers,attack speed) to move either 30% faster or slower.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (3) Madness: Promised Power — summons zones of power near you which,when you stand inside them, will increase your damage dealt by 25%. If you do notstand inside them, you will have your damage dealt decreased by 10%.


Valley of Strength Trash

In order to approach Thrall, you will need to kill the Voidbound Honor Guardsthat are standing guard outside his building. It is worth noting that you willneed to either CC or interrupt Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (4) Horrifying Shout, otherwise you will get feared intotheir other ability, Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (5) Break Spirit, which cleaves in front of them.


Valley of Strength Bosses

Despite the ease of this area when first starting out with Horrific Visions,Thrall becomes more and more challenging as you progress through. For eachobjective you complete, he gains 10% maximum health, as well as an additionalability that corresponds to the objectives completed.

Zone CompletedAbility Gained
The DragHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (6) Cries of the Void
Valley of HonorVoid Boar
Valley of SpiritsHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (7) Hopelessness
Valley of WisdomHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (8) Defiled Ground

The strategy for defeating Thrall will vary depending on which abilities he hasaccess to, but generally, you should prioritise the abilities in the followingorder:

  1. Void Boar
  2. Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (9) Defiled Ground
  3. Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (10) Hopelessness
  4. Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (11) Cries of the Void

The boars that Thrall spawns from the Rexxar fight deal extremely high amountsof damage and you should focus on burning them down as soon as possible to makethe fight drastically easier. Ideally, you should have killed them both beforeThrall reaches 80% HP, as this is when he will first cast Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (12) Hopelessness,which will silence you and force you to move to find the spawned orbs.

Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (13) Defiled Ground simply replaces Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (14) Seismic Slam and is essentiallya more dangerous version of it. Dodge out of it as soon as possible to avoid thestun and Sanity drain.

Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (15) Cries of the Void is the simplest to handle, but requires a fair amountof DPS to beat if you do not want to take the Sanity drain. If you cannot take the90 Sanity loss, then you will need to break the shield that Thrall creates. Whenhe hits 55% HP, he will gain a shield of 25% of his HP. You then have 6 secondsto break the shield to interrupt his cast.


Tier 2 — Corrupted Areas

There are 2 Corrupted areas in Orgrimmar, the Drag and the Valley of Spirits.These are slightly more challenging than the Tier 1 area, with the baseSanity drain sitting at 8 per second.

The following Madness effects can be present in Tier 2 areas:

  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (16) Madness: Dark Delusions — occasionally summons a shadowy copy ofyou that will pursue you. If it reaches you, it will deal damage to you and stunyou.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (17) Madness: Entomophobia — while you are in combat, your screen willshow glowing bugs that are crawling on your character. You have to jump to removethem or you will lose control of your character as it runs forwards at 5 stacks.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (18) Madness: Scorched Feet — you will occasionally leap forward over"imaginary" fire pools, which will then stay on the ground and cause damage andSanity drain when touched.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (19) Madness: Shortsighted — when in combat, your vision and combat radius willbe restricted to 20 yards.


The Drag

The Drag is an extremely simple Tier 2 area and can be completed very easilyby most players, especially in earlier runs. If you have lower DPS output, youmay find it more challenging in full runs due to the Sanity drain from the boss(assuming you cannot break the shield).

The objectives are as follows:

  1. Defeat Annihilator Lak'hal
  2. Speak with Garona
  3. Check each of the buildings for survivors
  4. Defeat Inquisitor Gnshal

This area should be fairly easy for you to clear, as long as you manage yourSanity well. The first elite, Annihilator Lak'hal, uses Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (20) Orb of Annihilation,which drains 60 Sanity if it hits you, while the boss, Inquisitor Gnshal,drains Sanity with both of his abilities.

If you are fighting Lak'hal, make sure you are not facing towards the rest oftrash, as his beam will push you backwards and cause you to pull more, potentiallycausing you to fail the Vision due to not being able to use an Orb in time. Makesure to dodge his attacks on the ground and you will kill him easily.

Gnshal is equally simple, with very little to do other than dodge/kite hisHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (21) Void Torrent and break his Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (22) Cries of the Void shield by DPSingit down before he finishes his cast.


Valley of Spirits

Valley of Spirits is just as simple as The Drag, if not even easier, and shouldpose no issues to players going into it.

The objectives are as follows:

  1. Zekhan assisted
  2. Enter Valley of Spirits
  3. Zor Lonetree freed
  4. Witch Doctor Umbu freed
  5. Terga Earthbreaker freed
  6. Sian'tsu freed

To head into this area, you will need to help Zekhan with killing theenemies blocking the path, including Decimator Shiq'voth, who has theability Decimator. This can deal a huge amount of damage if you do notdodge it. Shiq'voth will send a bolt out, which will then return and deal farmore damage on the way back, as well as draining Sanity. Make sure you keep aneye on this and move out of the way ASAP.

Once you are in the Valley, things are fairly simple: destroy the 4 totems andrescue the NPCs held by them, then kill the final boss, Oblivion Elemental.

The Elemental is very simple to kill — dodge the shadow waves and,when he casts Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (23) Hopelessness, simply run into one of the golden orbs toremove the silence debuff.


Tier 3 — Lost Areas

There are 2 Lost areas in Orgrimmar, the Valley of Honor and Valley of Wisdom. Thebase Sanity drain in these areas is much higher, at 12 per second, meaning youshould avoid these zones unless you have a lot of time and Sanity to spare oryour cloak is a higher rank.

The following Madness effects are present in Lost areas:

  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (24) Madness: Haunting Shadows — an image of you will spawn periodicallyand explode, fearing all players nearby.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (25) Madness: Leaden Foot — as you move your character, you will tire,losing movement speed until you are unable to move. You will need to stand stillto regain energy to move.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (26) Madness: Split Personality — you will periodically be surroundedby images of yourself, with a gap for you to run through. If you touch one of theimages of yourself, you will be disoriented for 4 seconds.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (27) Madness: Volatile Intent — when fighting, there is a chance thatdealing damage will cause a percentage of the damage dealt to yourself.


Valley of Honor

The Valley of Honor is arguably the most difficult area in either of the HorrificVisions, due to the extreme amount of damage and Sanity-drain that can potentiallyoccur.

The only objective here is to kill Rexxar, but in order to do so, you willneed to kill Misha on the way (unless you can skip her with your class abilities).

Misha should be burst down ASAP to avoid having to deal with her abilities. Shecasts Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (28) Desperate Retching, which infects you and makes you spawn pools onthe ground, and Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (29) Maddening Roar, which deals damage and drains Sanity ina radius around her, as well as making players hostile to allies.

If you are playing solo, you just need to move out of the pools on the groundand move away from Misha when she casts Maddening Roar. If you are playing ina group and one of you gets hit by the roar, you will need to be careful not topassive-cleave your allies that are affecting by it.

Once Misha is dead, you just need to get to Rexxar and kill him. There is askip over the water to the left of where Misha is, but you will take a huge amountof damage and, if it is your first time attempting it, you will most likely diedue to pathing issues.

Rexxar is the biggest problem in this zone, due to each of his abilities beingvery dangerous.

The Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (30) Mind Traps that are spawned upon engaging him must be avoided atall costs, as they will drain a huge amount of Sanity, deal damage, and also stunyou.

For the boars that he spawns, you will need to either interrupt them as frequentlyas possible, AoE CC them to interrupt their Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (31) Void Quills casts, or burstthem down ASAP. Having the Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (32) Gift of the Titans buff can greatly helpwith this, as it makes you immune to their Sanity drain while active.

Other than this, at 40%, Rexxar will cast Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (33) Stampeding Corruption, whichwill cause lines of minions to move across the room where you are fighting Rexxar.Dodge these at all costs to avoid the Sanity drain and damage.


Valley of Wisdom

The Valley of Wisdom is definitely the easier Tier 3 zone for Orgrimmar, witha very simple set of objectives.

Players will just need to kill enemies until the progress bar is full, whichwill then cause the boss, Vez'okk the Lightless to spawn.

It is worth noting that you will have to kill at least one, if not both of the elite NPCs in thisarea to fill your progress bar, Voidcrazed Hulk and Coagulated Horror.

The Coagulated Horror is a fairly simple elite to kill, you just need to makesure that you move out of the frontal cone attack Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (34) Visceral Fluid and thepools on the ground from Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (35) Sanguine Residue. Note that, if you do not moveout of the Residue pools, the Horror will heal for the damage dealt.

The Voidcrazed Hulk poses no threat whatsoever, as long as you move out of theHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (36) Explosive Leap, which will cause guaranteed Sanity drain on the firstattack. Make sure to move out of the second attack, where the Hulk leaps towardsyou, to avoid further Sanity drain. For melee players, the second abilityHorrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (37) Howling in Pain does nothing, but for casters, you should stop castingwhen he uses this to avoid being spell-locked.

The boss, Vez'okk, is somewhat more challenging, but is still much easier thanRexxar.

  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (38) Defiled Ground — this attack launches a beam in a straight linein front of the boss, so just move out of it to avoid the stun andSanity drain.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (39) Ring of Chaos — this summons a ring of void around the boss,which will then spread out from the centre. Dodge these to avoid the stun andSanity drain.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (40) Unleash Corruption — this is cast 3 times during the fight, at80%, 50%, and 30%. Move out of it and kill the adds that it spawns ASAP.



  • 02 Mar. 2020: Guide added.

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Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Guide (BfA 8.3) (2024)
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