HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules: 1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have (2024)

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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (4)

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (5)


HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make.

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (6) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (7)


HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (8)

Submitted by Billy M. HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (9) Feb. 14, 2023 HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (10) 03:34 p.m.

Instant Answer


Step 1/3
1. The first business rule states that there are vendors who provide several products. This suggests that we need to have two entities: Vendor and Product. The Vendor entity will have attributes such as vendor_id (primary key), company_name, address, office_telephone, and email_address. The Product entity will have attributes such as product_id (primary key), product_name, product_description, and two product_images. To establish the relationship between Vendor and Product, we can use a one-to-many relationship where one Vendor can provide several Products. Therefore, the Vendor entity will have a foreign key vendor_id in the Product entity.

Step 2/3
2. The second business rule states that each product can have one or more purchase options. This suggests that we need to have another entity called PurchaseOption. The PurchaseOption entity will have attributes such as option_id (primary key), option_name, option_description, and associated_price. To establish the relationship between Product and PurchaseOption, we can use a one-to-many relationship where one Product can have several PurchaseOptions. Therefore, the Product entity will have a foreign key product_id in the PurchaseOption entity.

3. The second business rule also states that a product may or may not have hashtags. This suggests that we need to have another entity called Hashtag. The Hashtag entity will have attributes such as hashtag_id (primary key) and hashtag_name. To establish the relationship between Product and Hashtag, we can use a many-to-many relationship where one Product can have multiple Hashtags and one Hashtag can be associated with multiple Products. Therefore, we need to introduce a junction table called ProductHashtag that will have foreign keys product_id and hashtag_id.Based on the above analysis, the fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) can be represented as follows:Vendor (vendor_id, company_name, address, office_telephone, email_address)Product (product_id, product_name, product_description, product_image1, product_image2, vendor_id)PurchaseOption (option_id, option_name, option_description, associated_price, product_id)Hashtag (hashtag_id, hashtag_name)ProductHashtag (product_id, hashtag_id)Assumptions:- Each vendor can have multiple products, but each product can only belong to one vendor.- Each product can have multiple purchase options, but each purchase option can only belong to one product.- Each product can have multiple hashtags, and each hashtag can be associated with multiple products.- The primary keys are underlined in the ERD.- The connectivity of the relationships is properly placed (one-to-many and many-to-many).

Video Answer

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (11) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (12) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (13)

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Solved on July 12, 2023, 1:56 p.m.

Reviewed By Expert Numerade Educators

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (15)

Paul G.

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Howard University
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Best Matched Videos Solved By Our Expert Educators HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (16) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (17) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (18) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (19) HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (20)

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Step-by-step Solved, Expert Educator: HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce

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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (36)

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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (37)
Adama Hogking

"Numerade is far more than just what we see. I mean it provides detailed explanation to a question with a written solution which is coupled with an audio clarification. I love this app. All I can do now is to give it a five stars."

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (38)

"In school? You need Numerade. It has made my life SO much easier. I can’t say enough good things about this app. Love it, in a literal sense."

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (39)
mohammed ihsaan

"Really a wonderful, amazing and very useful app for the all types of students like engineering, science,etc .It provide more accurate answer and it give all the answers even no one websites can do. Really a useful thing to keep everyone."

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (40)


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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (41)

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (42)

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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (43)

HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have at least one product to offer. To contact the vendor, our website would ask the Vendor to provide some basic contact information including company name, address, office telephone, and email address.2. In the website, we would display the product with product name, product description, and two product images. There are one or more purchase options for each product. For each purchase option, there is an option name, option description, and an associated price. Product may or may not have hashtags. Hashtag is a unique shortcut name for the user to find other products with the same hashtag. A product can have an unlimited number of hashtags.By using the Crow's Foot model, create a fully attributed Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) that can be implemented as the company's database.In your ERD, you should include all appropriate entities with their foreign keys, primary keys underlined, and all appropriate relationships with their connectivity properly placed. State justifications or assumptions you make. (44)

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HKCC Mall is a newly setup electronic Commerce e-Commerce website. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like you to design the database with the following business rules:
1. There are Vendors. Each vendor provides several products. A vendor must have (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5992

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.